We materialized near a gorgeous lake house. The sun was up and the water of the lake glimmered under its light like a glass mirror. The leaves of the trees fluttered in the cool breeze. This place was calming, soothing, and made me feel at peace. The birds chirped, singing their song, as if welcoming me to this serene place.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"I'm glad you like it," Calix told me, "Come on, the others are probably out in the yard."

I followed Calix around the house and we eventually came to a backyard. There were three men and four women in the backyard and they all appeared to be training. The men were all dark haired, but the four women consisted of two blondes, a redhead, and a brunette.

They all stopped what they were doing when they noticed us.

"Welcome home, Calix," one of the men told my beloved while everyone else greeted him with smiles.

"Thank you brother," Calix replied before turning to the entire group, "Everyone, this is Davina Gryffon, daughter of Acheron. Davina, these are my brothers, Arrow, Soren, and Ryder, their soulmates, Clarissa, Rosalie, and Avalon, and my sister, Nemesis."

"It's nice to meet you, Davina," Nemesis told me.

"Welcome to Moonshell," Clarissa told me, "And please call me Clary."

"Rosalie is too formal for me, I prefer Rose," Rosalie added.

"I'll show you to your room, Davina," Calix told me. I nodded and the two of us walked inside the house.

We went upstairs and went down the hall, stopping in front a door.

We entered and found a bedroom. The walls and floor were dark. The far wall had a window that overlooked the lake. Just under the window was a bumped out window seat. It was black and the pillows on it were white and made of fur. There was a dresser, wardrobe, and vanity against one of the other walls and on the opposite wall was a door that I assumed led to a bathroom. Next I noticed the bed. It was made of black wood and the sheets were white. The whole room looked comfortable and inviting.

"This will be your room," Calix told me.

"Thank you, Calix," I told him.

He smiled at me.

"I'll see you later," he told me, "We all usually eat dinner around six. I hope you'll join us."

I nodded.

"I'd love to," I told him.

He gently lifted my hand and kissed the back of it.

"I'll see you in a little while," he told me before leaving. I unpacked my bag and put my clothes and shoes away.

I heard shouting and went out into the hall the see what was going on. I saw Arrow, Ryder, and Soren rush by and heard the front door slam shut a few minutes later.

"They heard that Ares has been sighted in the city," Clarissa said as she came over to me.

"So why aren't we going with them?" I asked.

"Because as the God of War and a disgraced Olympian, Ares is incredibly powerful," Rosalie replied as she joined us.

"So we're just supposed to sit here and wait for them to come back?" I asked as I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"Believe me, the rest of us are just as thrilled about it as you are," Avalon added as she joined to three of us in the hallway.

"What are we supposed to do in the mean time?" I asked, "Train?"

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