"I never promised him that I would. I simply said I'd send help." Jisoo said calmly, rummaging through her backpack for her notebook.

"Then what is the help you're sending?"


"What? no way!"

"Yes way. You are the only one who can do it. You know how busy I am, what with the dare and what not.", Jisoo said, she smiled wide at the other. Jennie just turned away. Jisoo then sighed sadly, putting her head down, "I guess I'll have to do that too. Oh how cursed and busy is my life", Jisoo dramatically exhaled.

"hmph. Fine" Jennie said in defeat. "But only because you said it babe"

"I knew you loved me."

Just then the teacher came in and they had to go and sit in their places quietly. Both of them reluctantly went and sat in their seats. They forgot to discuss the most important topic in hand.

How was Jisoo going to get Taehyung to ask her? She hated doing this in the first place. It would be easy if it was she who was going to ask him out. He would say yes and then after the date he would probably find her weird and consider a casual date and it wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.

The problem is that Taehyung never asked anyone out. Why? Because well, he was the ice prince.

Jisoo saw many people getting rejected. Some he went on a date with because he couldn't bother saying no, but he never asked anyone of them out. Not even Irene. She was the school goddess. Everyone adored her and Taehyung and her were even really close friends .Everyone at school would gossip and spread rumors about them every chance they got. And people were extremely taken aback when Irene scolded everyone who was gossiping that they could be secretly dating. She was extremely furious, "You guys just need somebody to gossip about.", she told. The students then stopped discussing the rumors in public. Those ruthless kids could never be stopped.

She was too distracted to even realize that class was over. She only realized it when Jennie came up to her and blew in her ear, causing Jisoo to cringe.

"Why are you so distracted? Also why do you look like you are about to die in a few days?"

"Because I just might " Jisoo groaned, gripping at her hair in frustration. "Do you really think Ice guy will ask me out? He is so way out of my league. He probably hates my guts and will definitely think I'm using him." Jisoo fidgeted with the hem of her sleeves, a nervous habit she had.

"Oh c'mon you whiny baby." Jennie said picking Jisoo up from the chair "I trust you. Something tells me this thing you have gotten yourself into may not me as bad as you think."


Taehyung was like always annoyed after math. One could say he had a personal enmity with math, always causing him to behave colder than usual after it.

As soon as the bell rang he picked his stuff up and left the class, he was eagerly wanting to eat lunch and see his friends.

Even though he keeps very cold to most people he did manage to warm up and make a few  friends. He usually doesn't talk to them much and kept to himself in class. It just didn't feel fair to him that they needed to be associated with him, he didn't want others bully them for being his friend. Taehyung always insisted they hung out only in secret or while going back, he wanted the most privacy. They would meet eachother during lunch at Jimin's locker, since it was at the far end of the corridor where no one usually was.

He was on his way when he heard something. It was a small giggle. It was too familiar. He turned around, guessing the owner of the voice.

He was right. It was Kim Jisoo, looking so happy while she talked with someone on the phone. She kept giggling and laughing. Taehyung's stomach twisted into a knot again. He had to get close to her, but how? He then remembered that he promised to help her find a good book to read. That would be a great excuse to approach her, right?

Jisoo noticed Taehyung  approaching. She smiled at him and said something to the other end. By the time Taehyung reached her, she had cut the call, now Taehyung had her full attention. His stomach sank all the way to the ground under her gaze.

"Um... Hi" Taehyung said, rather awkwardly, his palms felt cold and clammy. How did people do this again?

Taehyung became all too aware of his surroundings. He was in the school halls. Everyone was out for lunch. Everyone would see this, they could bully her for talking to him. That would ruin everything, make matters worse. She would hate him. She probably already does. His brain shut down and whatever he was about to say was forgotten.

"Earth to Kim Taehyung-ssi", Jisoo said, waving her hands in front of his face. This was enough to bring Taehyung back. He silently wished he never came here, but he did and now he had to deal with it. He realized he couldn't act like they had talked before, the others would bully her for that. He needed to say something else.

Quickly thinking of something, "Right, you see, I found this hand kerchief on the floor. I thought it was yours.", he said while pulling out a purple handkerchief out of his pocket. He knew that it wasn't Jisoo's but he had seen her carry one, so it wasn't far-fetched.

Looking at the cloth Taehyung was holding in his hand, she just shrugged.

"Could be, but I don't think I lost my hand kerchief" Jisoo said.

"Oh, well then I will take your leave now. Thank you." Taehyung said and left. Any minute longer and his stomach might have disintegrated from sheer stress.

He left, leaving Jisoo confused.

"What ever was that?" She wondered to herself. Why did Taehyung look so awkward talking to her. Why did he look at her that way? Like he would rather be somewhere else? Like maybe he regretted coming to talk to her. He spoke like they never met before. She didn't like that, she hated that. She hated when people acted like they didn't know her.

Thoughts and memories from before flooded her brain, and before she knew,  she was in the washrooms,  bawling her eyes out while Jennie is comforting her.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Heres another update. I am kinda bad at doing POVs so I wrote this in third person POV. Tell me if you would like to read their POVs for whatever happened right now.

Also sorry for this really crappy chapter.. I tried to write but I always end up writing some weird nonsense

I dunno if anyone actually reads this stuff. But to whoever does. LOVE YOOOOO~~~

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