Chapter 14

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Tiger, Ryujin and Hasaki were currently in a cell with other Suna--nin. The guys were wasted last night.

Black had even caused so much trouble that he had to be detained in a different cell all together.

It was then that a guard came and opened the cell for them to get out. "Alright, move it along you three." He guided them through the hall with Ryu covertly analyzing the chip in his hand.

As they were exiting, they spotted Black being guided along as well, "Alright--Alright! Would you get your hands off me!"

He roughly shrugged them off, "Geez, you break one guy's nose and suddenly you're a danger to everyone." 

Tiger and Hasaki sighed as they were simultaneously rubbing their heads. "That is the last time I'm ever drinking with Black again," Hasaki interjected.

"Tell me about it," Tiger agreed as the light of the outside illuminated the exit.

It was then that some shilouetes blocked out the light, "You know usually if we ever found as much weapons as you guys had on you last night, you'd be interrogated," the shilouete in the middle folded his arms, "But since your Captain had told me about your mission and who you were... you guys are lucky."

The light faded out and The Kazekage stared at the boys from his position. They all groaned.

He huffed, "How about some tea boys...You look like you could use it."


Currently, Team Seed was in the Kazekage's office with Tiger explaining the events from last night.

"That all sounds interesting and all, but I can't help but think there was a reason for all this," he then looked toward Ryujin, "Especially seeing as wonder boy over there was about to leave with something."

Ryujin jolted at that proclamation, 'Impressive,' the young boy began analyzing the Fourth Kazekage whom sat in his seat with his arms still folded, 'Rasa of Sunagakure, The Fourth Kazekage, feared for his use of his GOLDEN DUST, rivaled by no one in terms of defense...his youngest son, Gaara, inherited this ability along with the Shukaku spirit that his father sealed into him.... his own flesh and blood.' Ryujin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Rose looked at Ryu, "Is there something we should know, Ghost?"

Ryujin pulled out the chip much to everyone's confusion. The boy sighed, "The men at the bar were swapping these," he threw it to Rose, "It seemed important."

She examined it, "Official,"she read the green inscription on it and handed it to the Kazekage as he put on his glasses as if to examine it himself.

"Ah, yes, this is one of the identification chips the various shop owners use to assure the jonin of the village of who they are..." he looked at the colour closely, "Let's see, green... ah, yes, this colour is to signify a person leaving the village, usually moving with heavy cargo."

"Hm, although it's efficient, why do they need this Kazekage--sama, it just seems far fetched when they can just provide papers for leaving, isn't that right?" Scissor said as she crossed her legs from her seated position.

"Ah, you see, there is an upcoming festival in  two days, The Festival of the Sand they call it," he got up and looked out at his village, "People from far and wide come to this festival for the sights and rich culture of my village. So to make things easier, we give authorized personnel permission chips allowing them to leave or enter as they pleased, but those are given to TRUSTED people, so I don't know what the problem is here."

"Well, what if someone from your department was the one that gave out that chip to someone of no authority?" Bean asked prompting the Kazekage to send a slight glare her way, "....If it were to ever be a possibility..."

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