As the men all had their fill Ryu surveyed the room, looking for the man they saw from earlier and spotted him behind Black's head.

He tried to get a fix on what they were saying as he tapped his finger on to the table.

The band was playing some old timey Suna song center stage as the many different groups of people all went about their talks.

Diplomats would give hearty laughs and the exhausted senseis and jonin alike would carry on their private conversations among themselves whilst taking the occasional pull from a pipe or cigarette.

And then there was the stranger from earlier with a group of others that were basically clad in the same attire all blending into the crowd rather nicely.

They spoke amongst themselves, but Ryu could just barely make out what they were saying over Black and Hasaki's constant bickering. Tiger seemed composed enough to stop them before either one could start a fight, this was the first time Ryu's ever seen any of them outside without their masks just....well, hanging out you know, so he couldn't take any chances.

The boy continued to tap his finger on the table as he read the man's lips, 'The...job was done...' the man looked around encouraging Ryu to take a sip of his milk and tear his eyes off of the target.

He nearly choked at the taste, 'This is horrid...and from what I've drank before... that's saying something...'

He looked back to the group after licking his lips with a distastely look on his face, 'The shipment....what?....oh....the shipment should be ready by...--'

His concentration was cut off, "Cheers! To another mission well done, aye kiddie?!" Black suddenly looked at Ryu causing him to break his train of thought.

"Huh?"the boy was confused as he saw the guys all with their cups raised.

"Well?" Tiger asked hopeful that Ryu would join them, "....We've lived this long....we're really becoming a proper team. I know that what Danzo--sama has done to you is--"

"Yeah, fuck that guy!" Black laughed, "C'mon kiddie, even though you're usually a pain in the ass most of the time... you're alright."

Hasaki gave a reassuring nod and hummed in agreement. Ryu looked down at his glass and eventually picked it up.

"That's what I'm talking about!" they all clanked their cups together and drank.

It was just in time for Ryujin to notice the man slip something to the other opposite to him. 'Here, for safe keeping...'

It was a wooden chip with some sort of writing on it in green....

That must mean something....

They were about to leave, 'Shit!'

He had to think of something, fast!

As the men were about to pass the group of Konoha--nin, Ryu slipped out a throwing needle

Leaping into action he kept his hand under the table and covertly threw the needle at one of their feet causing a man to topple over and spill the guys' drinks.


"OH FUCK NO!" Black took Ryu's bottle of milk and smashed it over the man's head.

'Oh no...' Ryu thought as the guys all started brawling.

"BAR FIGHTT!!" everyone in the pub began going at it slowing bringing a small grin to Ryujin's face.

"Guys, we're supposed to be keeping a low--" Hasaki was hit with a chair from behind. He turned around to see a Suna--nin suddenly realizing what he's done.

Hasaki cracked his neck and began approaching him causing him to start back away slowly, "Oh....Lord KazeKage help me..."

"OH IT'S ON!!" Hasaki shouted as he charged.

Ryu looked around the room for the man with the chip only to find him going head to head with Black.

Ryujin sprang into action and maneuvered his way through many men and women carrying on with their fighting.

Black delivered a punch to the man's face and he returned the favour with them both going back and forth until, Black tackled the man causing the chip to fly out of his pocket as they fell to the ground.

Ryujin saw it and sprinted nearly getting pummeled in the process, but escaping non the less. He was about a few feet away from picking it up before the man from before was standing just a few feet away from it as well.

They looked at eachother then at the chip simultaneously. The two of them then sprinted at the same time with Ryu reaching it first and kicking it into the air to catch it first before the man karate chopped his hand causing him to release it mid air and the man grabbed it.

Before he could turn however Ryu rotated his entire body and sent a kick into the man's hand prompting him to send it higher into the air.

The man then proceeded to grab Ryu by his shoulders and swing him out of the way about to catch it until Ryu kicked behind his two knees causing him to kneel and the younger boy used this as an opportunity to use the man's shoulder as a boost to grab the chip.

Before he could land on the ground and sprint off however, the man grabbed one of his feet causing the boy to stand on the other.

The man rotated his body and spun Ryujin causing the boy and himself to fall and Ryu dropped the chip on the ground once.

They both looked at the chip and eachother. "Oh no you don't!" The man and the boy both began to run for it. Hopping over tables and behind people.

Ryu went to grab it until the man took a chair and used one of it's feet to stub Ryu's hand causing the boy to wince and pull back his hand.

He looked back at the man and the man smirked. Ryu tried to sweep his legs and get kick the chip out of the man's reach only for him to slam the chair on the ground effectively stopping the boy's foot.

Ryu quickly grabbed for it instead causing the man to twist the chair in a way that Ryujin's hand was stopped. Ryu suddenly smirked at him.

This confused the man until Ryu grabbed the chair and flipped it before hitting the man square in his face. The man then bumped into Hasaki.

The giant man turned around released a breath further intimidating him, "My apologies Mr, " he tried to reason until Hasaki grabbed him, "Wait--Wait--" he couldn't finish as he looked back to see Ryujin and the chip, now gone. 'Shit!'he cursed in his head.

Ryujin was currently walking to the door of the bar with a proud smile on his face as he flicked the wooden chip into the air with ease before catching it again as people were still brawling in the bar and was about to leave as he reached the door until---


Sand burst through the windows and doors of the bar effectively stopping everyone as it basically drowned and restrained them. A man with fiery brown to borderline red hair and black attire entered with golden sand around him.

"You're all under arrest! For disturbing my village's DAMN QUIET!"the man, often referred to as the Fourth Kazekage made himself known.

Everyone in the bar groaned...

Only for Hasaki to mumble, "...So much for keeping a low profile...."

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