Wooyoung bit his lip hard and carried the idol to his door, unlocking it as San shifted and pushed his head into Wooyoung's neck.

"Sannie, stop~" Wooyoung spoke quietly.

San hummed and instead hugged him tighter.

Wooyoung pushed into his apartment and closed the door behind him. It locked and he threw his keys onto the table by the door.

His home wasn't awful but it wasn't as tidy as it could be. He hadn't cleaned yet, he'd been too invested in San's comeback. The couch faced the TV and was pushed next to the balcony.

There was only a sliver of starlight that was seen from the balcony and unfortunately for Wooyoung, it shined right on San's face when he laid the idol down on the couch.

It gave San a beautiful natural light that glimmered against his soft skin and Wooyoung found himself letting his fingers gently rub against his cheek.

"Wooyoung~" San hummed, his eyes cracking open lightly.

Wooyoung smiled and San reached his hand up, running his fingers through Wooyiung's hair.

"Wooyoungie~" he cooed, "Did I ever tell you..."

He drifted silently off for a brief moment before coming back, a lazy smile on his face.

"You look really sexy when you dance," he hummed, "I like dancing with you."

Wooyoung's cheeks hearted up and, with Hongjoong's warning in mind, he tried to give a distance from San's face. San, however, very much waking up the longer he stared at Wooyoung, held him strongly in place.

"You're so lovely," San spoke quietly, "I really like you,"

San pushed himself up and dragged Wooyoung's head down, his eyes closed as he met Wooyoung's lips with desire. Wooyoung gripped the cushion of the couch as his eyes fluttered closed.

He couldn't remember when the desire for this exact moment had started but it had grown and been eating at him all evening.

He was breathless and the act of San raking his fingers through Wooyoung's hair make him burn all the more. He loved this moment, he reveled in it, and he placed his hand at the back, pushing San in closer.

The starry night blew in cold against their faces, nuzzling itself like a dog in between San and Wooyoung.

It brought Wooyoung down hard, the dancer crashing back to earth and falling back onto his elbow. He'd dragged San with him, who was now only halfway on the couch.

San looked at him with heavy breaths and Wooyoung realized just how deep his grave had been dug.

And standing right next to it was Hongjoong with a shovel dripping with his blood.

Hongjoong would murder him and bury him outside of Seoul.

San moved on his hands his knees landing softly on the ground as he hovered over the dancer beneath him.

"Sannie, wait," Wooyoung spoke, yet every power that he had previously had vanished.

San ignored him completely, pushing his lips back onto Wooyoung's, one hand moving down onto his forearm to handle his weight as his other hand dug onto Wooyoung's chest.

He released Wooyoung's lips and buried his face into Wooyoung's neck. The dancer couldn't breathe, he eyes were open wide as San's heated lips kissed and caressed his neck. He burned all over, he could feel the blood rushing around his body, and he gripped San's hair tightly.

He moaned softly, San pulling away and moving with more passion to sit almost directly on Wooyoung's hips. Both hands went under Wooyoung's shirt and raked his nails down his skin.

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