Pandorra's box

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She inhaled the coffee steam. Therapeutic. Her beige covered room with indoor plants and old papers she had left behind. It was a busy looking but also beautiful office-turned-room.

She opened the television and immediately saw the news. She sat on her swivel chair.

"Family of four found dead. They were found laying down on the floor, faces and bodies severely wounded. No sign of anyone barging in. The Police have suspected again the serial killer, SNZ-233 who is notorious for brutally murdering innocent people."

She took a bite on her wheat crackers and sipped on her cup of burning coffee.  she's unfazed of the h. Her cellphone rang, immediately knowing who it was.

"Yeah aight. I know what to do. I'll be working with you again, Mr. Leaf." Subconsciously, a smirk formed on her lips.

She fixed her hair in a messy bun that accentuated her early 30s-look. She's Pandorra. Possessing  no surname, or anything in that memory. Doctor and detective, but only works on her own. And this case, this case caught her interest.

Mr. Leaf's call was an exciting start for her. After the arsonist case, she really just went into a state of total boredom. Reading Sherlock Holmes and the whole Harry Potter series.

She arrived at the Police Department. They know who she is and they're astonished by her arrival. She went straight to the bodies of the victim. Mr. Leaf was there and several other investigators who knows who she is but for her, not likewise. She thinks they're just here for attendance. They don't have a clue.


"Yeah don't call me by my name again Mr. Le-I'm sorry, Police Head Leaf." She smiled. "This isn't just a simple slasher serial killer who's a psychopath. This is a special case," she opened the cloth covering the bodies.

The smell of disinfectant alcohol were like perfume to her. It made her alive. "Do you not see these bruises? If you press harder, their muscles have compressed. Rigor mortis has done its toll but you can see their bones are broken to couples."

"So what are you inferring?"

"This killer first beat these people up. Probably slammed them hard to the ground. It's the only way he did this," And then her eyes travelled to their faces. "Goddamn what did he do to these people."

"He stabbed them repeatedly, right?"

"Obviously. But see how he stroked it. It's from the side, on the left. He held the knife in a diagonal position, in his left hand. He's pretty strong. The wounds are deep." She covered them again with the cloth. She also noticed shards of ceramics on the woman's head and body. "Our guy here is crafty. Can use anything to hurt someone. He's dangerous."

She peeked through the open mouth of the woman. "Goddamn there are ashes. Did y'all not notice this?"

The other investigators did not notice it. She laughed. Dumb fucks she thought. "Alright. Y'all investigators can go out. Work with the small units. This is a search-and-interrogate operation. We are not killing this thing." The men looked at Mr. Leaf, doubt in their eyes. Mr. Leaf nodded. They took little steps outside. They were hesitating.

"What? We can't keep this thing alive. 67 recorded victims, isn't that alarming? City Mayor still hasn't made a move on this issue, but we can't just keep this person alive." Mr. Leaf opposed her concept. Or more so, her ideology.

"This person is mentally stable. It's an opposite to what we think. He does not rely on his weapon like most documented cases of serial killings. What I want to do is to just know him. To know why. Because this is surprisingly, a new nature of human psychology."

Case 2: Fear; killing by instinct

Death. Is Just Forever Sleep. [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin