Percy Night

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It is a night stained with the smell of Turkey and rice. Too early for something bad to happen. Relatively. Nevertheless, it was the blackest night they have seen all year.

He was sweating profusely despite the night blowing in his face. His hair flowed down, covering his eyes. He hears his watch tick, slowly having a burning headache. "Damn, they're taking too long."

His posture was unnatural. Slouching down, and as he walked he took very silent steps. But he was fast. He put on his mask, a mask that shows true fear; in a mirror it pictured itself.

He then knocked. Furiously he knocked. "Can you wait you fucker we're eating here!" He then slowly knocked, until he made it seem he had disappeared.

"Kill number 46, here we go." He hit the glass window, shattering it. And the people inside were petrified by the sight of him. "A family huh," he thought.

The main guy,  who seemed like the father ran towards him with a heavy hand. But all he had to do was grab his legs and swipe him across the floor. And eventually slamming him to the ground. No blood, no traces of weaponry.

The other two. A mother, a daughter is all what's left. They were helpless. The two victims saw themselves on his mask. They were not able to make a sound. They did not see any face. It's just themselves.

Case 1: Human fear; fear of being alone

No one is about to help them. No one in the right mind would help them. It's either they run or they fight. Either choice, Percy would still win.

He tried doing frisbee. With a plate, he threw it to the mother's face. And quickly approaching her, choked her and beat her to pulp. His hands were designed to kill. Cold, hard, and filled with scars.

He dragged her next to her husband and stuffed her mouth with what seemed to be ashes. He filled her mouth with inedible stuff, eventually suffocating her.

And the daughter. She was easy. She managed to scream for help. And it angered Percy. He gripped her neck and slammed her to the ground. And the loud thud awakened someone.

A baby's cry made Percy's eyes bleed. He let out a smile. Not happiness, nor anger. Fear. It was an empty smile. He approached the baby. Helpless.

"No witnesses." He did the same to the defenseless human. Slammed it like a little doll.

And he laid them down on the floor, ready for a family picture. And he quickly grabbed their kitchen knife and stabbed each one of them repeatedly. In full power, he swiped repeatedly.

Their faces were unrecognizable. But the feeling. The posture of the dead bodies. Even the baby, showed fear.

And as he stabbed them he was muttering the same words: "Blood."

After his episode, he relaxed. He cracked his neck, left and right. And left the number "46" beside the bodies. He's now relaxed. He thought they looked bad. But he did not feel empathy. No. He thought it was just rightful for them. They did not fight back.

He locked the door, closed the curtains, and quickly went out the house. He went straight home, washed his hands, and straight to his basement.

Brightly lit, it was his personal torture chamber. At the moment it's empty. He went to spray it with bleach and alcohol.

His plans are seamless. His torture victims were untraced. He cooked them first. Each part, turned into a steamy soup of stale water. And he has a great skill in butchering. The dead bodies he cooked smelled like beef, and were not noticeable.

His victims aren't only just limited to kill number 46

He's unknown. Unseen. Just been known from a scent. Fish food. Authorities are dying to know his name, how he looked, possibly to use him for their advantage or just to put an end to this.

He walked outside, in the middle of the night. Dragged a chair near his pond. And he just began feeding his fish.

12 large Kois, circling around. He thought this was therapeutic. Very therapeutic.

"I have finals tomorrow. Shit." He remembered. He returned to his house and to his room. "Fuck. I thought finals was still next week."

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