I realized that the girls are watching us cautiously.

Clenching my fist on the handkerchief, I brought it down to my lap.

"Anyway, I guess we'll be seeing each other tomorrow," the fucker says almost happily.

Tomorrow's our anniversary. Is he fucking kidding me?!

I furrowed my brows, "Why?"

Jaebeom narrowed his eyes at me. It didn't last long because Jennie blocked me away from him.

"Mind telling me how?" Jennie asked, clearly dumbfounded.

Oh, how badly I want to snatch my own girl away from him.

Just by watching them facing one another... fuck, I hate it! But I'm not that kind of girlfriend. The 'too possessive' kind that will impose sick rules.

"Family dinner," he simply says, "Want me to pick you up?"


"No, no, no need!" Jennie's voice was loud enough to drown my curse.

The fucker looked a bit startled, slowly nodding, "I guess your boyfriend will pick you up?"


"Boyfriend?" Irene mouthed with wide eyes, while Nayeon and Jisoo looks weirded out as well.

Suho stays silent, just observing us all.

"I'll go on my own," her voice was strained.

"Mmm," the fucker just nodded, dropping off the topic.

I can't stand him. I really can't. I might just let our families know that I'm in love with this girl and shout it in this fucker's face, nevermind me being disowned by my family. But Jennie... I won't ever forgive myself if I ruin her life and every thing she worked hard on. She loves her family and works hard to prove herself, to follow their steps.

I wish there's an easy way for us.

"We better go," I announced, looking at my watch, "Next class is in 10 minutes."

Her curious-looking, feline eyes meets my gaze as I stood up. She then looks around the table, saying goodbye to everyone as I waited for her.

"I'll see you tomorrow," fucker grins at her, while I wanted to test how strong his teeth are with my fist.

Jennie didn't respond and just hooked her arm on mine, dragging me slowly away from them.

"I'll understand if you're angry at me-"

"Jen I'm not angry at you," I assured her as I stopped to just look at her, "I'm not. Lately we've always been fighting over him and I know we're both sick of it. He's obviously into you, even when you told him you're taken. Right?"

She fell silent. I took her hand, bringing it up to my lips while I stared at her.

"Baby, it's not just about me," I say softly, looking straight into her worried eyes, "Don't be afraid of me. It's all about us. I want us to be okay. I want you to be happy, always."

"I want you to be happy too, Lis..."

"I am. I'm so damn happy that you're mine," I smiled at her, "Now enough about him. I still need to make my girl smile, I've been missing that gummy smile of hers for a while now. Can you help me?"

She smiles shyly, pinching my cheeks. Adorable.

"Love," I caught her hand with mine as we walk side-by-side, "Spend tomorrow night with me?"

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