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"I swear this heart won't beat for you again" she said and at once he heard her heartbeat — lub-dub, lub-dub.

"See you around" Hanna and Via excused themselves leaving me and the man I am afraid to see. I haven't turned to face him yet for I am gathering the courage to see his face again. I heard his footsteps are getting closer and every heartbeat is getting louder. I took a deep breath for a second and finally turned to him.

My heart is beating even more faster when I see him. That face. The same face that caught my eyes the first time I saw him. His perfectly symmetrical face had grown so mature this time. I am once again caught by his deep dark eyes match perfectly with his furrowed brows. His clean-shaved face reveals his well-defined chiseled jawline. And his lips? the perfect curves even a sculptor can't even mold. He has the face of any girl's dream. The kind of face that will stop your heartbeat and will freeze your whole body in an instant. Now, I wish I'm not wearing this revealing dress that could obviously show how my heart beats so fast.

He finally reached me and this few inches distance between us make it hard for me to breathe. Why is he giving me the same chill and feeling he used to give whenever he is around? I know I should be more stronger this time.

Wearing these three-inched heels is useless too. I still have to look up to meet his dark brown eyes. I was about to say to greet him when he suddenly speaks.

"Who's this man with you?" he asked giving an emotionless stare at Khael and just then I realized, Khael is standing next to me.

He didn't change at all. Not even a little. He's still the man who never even say "Hi" "What's up?" "Thank you" "Sorry" "Hello" "Goodbye" "How are you?" or just even mention or state my name. He is full of anger towards me and I know that I couldn't do anything about that.

I was about to introduce Khael to him but Khael started to speak for himself "I am Khael, Sierra's friend"

Aksel's eyes are still pinned on him and didn't even say anything at all. Not even a single word. I don't know what is going on in his mind but all I know is this, I need to break this growing silence.

Khael speaks once again and I couldn't  be more thankful to him for helping me not to make this situation harder that what I could handle but I don't think his words are helpful in breaking this intense situation when he asked "and, how about you? who are you?"

I want to undo what just happened— what he had just said. Khael made it even worst. Khael haven't met Aksel yet and knew nothing about him as well. Although we are friends, I never had said anything about Aksel but he knew that I am already married to him.

I turned to Khael to answer his question when I noticed that Aks didn't speak yet and sensing that he doesn't even want to introduce himself to Khael, I decided to introduce him. "This is Aksel Luivran my..." I paused trying to think of the right label to use.

So what am I suppose to say? My husband? My partner? My boyfriend? My friend? Friend?what? Surely if I would say any of those Aks will get pissed off. He never introduced me to anyone before and would never want me to introduce him as my partner or whatsoever. So, would I just say family member? The safest? I think it's the best.

", a fami—"

"her HUSBAND" Aksel stated stressing the last word and I turned to him surprised of what I have just heard. This is the first time I heard that word escape out from his lips. He never ever had mentioned to anyone that he is my husband.

I looked at him, trying to read his eyes and mind what I couldn't read anything from it. What game is he playing right now? I certainly know Aksel, he wouldn't say things that could ruin him. He never responded to things that didn't matter to him either and when he speaks it is always direct and has a purpose in it.

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