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"Are you sure about this?" asked Hanna holding the documents in her hand. I can sense her eyes pinned on me but I didn't even bother to look at her. Not now. Not like this. Not this time that I feel messed up.

I took another sip of the wine in the glass ignoring its bitter taste and its burning heat as it goes down to my stomach.

"enough of th—" I cut her off, pushing away her hand that was about to grab the glass saying "no" with my voice in deep sorrow.

"no way!" she exclaimed with her voice even becoming more firm than it sounds and then she continued on "does Aks even know that you are here? I am gonna call h—"

Quickly I snatched her phone from her hand. She lifted her face and with her questioning eyes looking straight at me.

"Please don't. I just cant— cant..." my tears started to come out. I just hate how these tears betray me. I just couldn't be as strong as I once was. Or maybe, these tears are the proof of how strong I am all this time.

I let myself calm a bit as I wipe my tears with my hand. Hanna was just so silent on her sit looking at me with sadness in her eyes. I hate whenever she'll see me like this when I should have been used to it already. "You know it all, what can I do now better than to leave?" I said feeling a little bit better as those words escape from my heart.

I bowed my head low for a second and inhaled deep to calm myself. Lifting back my head, I released the air I'm holding for a while. Finally feeling a bit relief, I said "Losers know how to place themselves right, right?" smiling bitterly, I took a last sip of the wine.

Then, I turned back to her again. She is still quite and I am not comfortable of her silence but I am thankful that she listened to everything that my heart poured out.

"To love and not to be loved in return isn't your loss." she said and embraced me warmly. I feel the burden weighs a little lighter now. She always knows how to make me feel at ease. And, surely I will miss this kind of time with her.

"When are you leaving?" she asked.



Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this glimpse. You are free to leave your thoughts below, hit the star if you like this and share it to your friends as well! This story is on its process of proofreading and editing, so I apologize for the errors you might have noticed. Thank you once again!

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