"I'll let you sit with me if you tell me your name, and promise to share your notes when I inevitably don't show up to a few classes due to a massive hangover". A boy on the edge of the third row sat with his notebook out and a playful smile on his face. I laughed and walked over. "Sure. But only if you promise to do the same. Minus the hangover thing, this class is on a Monday", I joked. I slid into the seat next to him and started taking my notebook and the syllabus out. I had printed it out the night before wanting to be prepared.

"I'm Emily McCoy". After the trial, the police thought it best if I assumed a new name. I didn't want to lose who I was so I chose something similar and meaningful. Emily because it was close enough to Emilia. McCoy because Hank McCoy was the guy's and I's favorite X-Men character. We always joked that we would change our last names to McCoy someday to honor the underappreciated comic hero. I just never thought I would do it, let alone under these circumstances.

"Wyatt Pullman. Nice to meet you, Emmy". He smiled at me before turning his attention to our professor who had just walked into the room. I laughed internally at the nickname he gave me. It's amazing that I can change my name and people will still choose to call me Emmy instead of the name I give them. I focused on Dr. Cartwright who looked like he was about to address the class.

"Hello everyone and welcome to your first class of a brand new semester. I understand that writing may not be everyone's favorite past time but it is a necessity. We all write. We text, email, and post our way through life. My hope is that by the end of this semester you will have gained a new appreciation for writing, and be able to engage with everyday writing in a creative and beautiful way. If I manage to corrupt any of you into becoming English majors then that is just icing on the cake". A collective chuckle eased out of the students in the lecture hall as we listened to Dr. Cartwright's introduction.

"Please feel free to just call me Cartwright, I don't like getting hung up on any of that doctor nonsense. I only got the degree so I could get paid a wage that makes living in this damn city manageable". That time he got full-out laughter from most of the students. I was starting to think I was going to enjoy my time in this class when he walked in.

Like a ghost or a daydream.

I couldn't quite tell if he was real or just something my imagination made up.

Greyson Trent strolled into the room and sat in the first row.

A roaring sound erupted in my head like the sound you hear when you put a conch shell up to your ear.

"Ahhh, Greyson! Thank you for joining us this morning. Could you please come up here so I can introduce you to the class?". Cartwright spoke to Greyson with a fondness and I could tell they had known each other for a while. Grey got up to stand next to Cartwright and my breath caught in my throat.

He was the boy I remembered, but now he was so much more. He had gotten taller and his trademark curls had been cut shorter to his head instead of shaggy.

I suddenly felt too hot and my hair that I had let hang loosely down my back, felt like it was suffocating me. I unzipped my backpack, silently cursing at the loud sound in the quiet lecture hall, and grabbed a hair tie. As I sat back up and raised my arms to tie my hair back, I noticed that Greyson was staring at me.

I quickly averted my eyes and focused on Cartwright speaking.

"Everyone, meet Greyson. Greyson, meet everyone. He will be my TA for the course this semester and I trust his judgment implicitly. He is an extremely talented writer and I know that you all will learn just as much, if not more, from him as you will from me". Cartwright's words settled over the lecture hall.

Greyson gave a quick wave and started speaking.

I couldn't even hear it. Not over the sound of my heart attempting to beat out of my chest. He couldn't be here. He can't know me anymore. Not after everything that's happened and everything I've done. I could feel my heart breaking as I realized what I would have to do.

I had to leave. Pack up and find someplace else to start over. If my captors ever found me again and they hurt Grey because of it I would never forgive myself. After testifying against them I know they wouldn't leave me alive. I couldn't risk Greyson's safety. Not again.

Greyson finished speaking and went to sit back down. Even though I was avoiding his gaze, I could feel his eyes searing through me as he walked to his seat. Searching for the girl he used to know.

The rest of the class went by in a blur. Cartwright talked about the syllabus and answered any questions students had about the course. He ended early after wishing us luck for the rest of the day.

 As I was quickly packing up my things, I heard Wyatt trying to get my attention.

"Emmy do you want to get a coffee or something? My next class isn't for another hour and it's only a block away from here". Wyatt was already packed up, one hand in his pocket and the other on his backpack strap. I thought about saying no at first. Why start this friendship if I wasn't intending on staying to see it through. I saw Greyson start to move towards me from the first row and made my decision.

"Yeah, that would be great. I forgot to brew a pot this morning and I'm in desperate need of caffeine". While none of that was a lie, my real reason was to give myself an out to escape Greyson. We made our way out from the aisle and began walking to the door. Wyatt led the way and I was hoping he would act as a buffer to Grey's approach. 

I should have known that wouldn't work.

 As we passed him, my eyes focused straight ahead, he said my name.

"Lark?" His voice was hushed and so much deeper than I remembered. My knees wanted to give out at hearing the old nickname that the guys gave me. The tattoo on my wrist felt itchy all of sudden, even though it was almost healed.

I kept walking, hating myself the whole time.

"Mia?" This time his voice was louder. He ran to catch up to Wyatt and me. This time Wyatt realized Grey was trying to talk to me and stepped up to my side.

"Sorry man, this is Emily. I think you got the wrong girl". At that moment I was so grateful for this strange boy. I think my voice would have cracked and given me away if I had attempted to speak to Grey. I felt Wyatt put his hand in mine and lead me out of the classroom. I immediately pulled away. Touch was something that always came with pain, and I didn't know this boy well enough to feel comfortable with this. 

Greyson's eyes clocked the movement before meeting mine again.

I gave him a smile and shrug as if to say, sorry for the mix-up, before I followed Wyatt outside. I couldn't shake the feeling of Greyson's eyes watching us as we made our way down the sidewalk.

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