Chapter 40

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POV: Lark

I looked around the lobby of the guys' penthouse as I waited for them to come downstairs

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I looked around the lobby of the guys' penthouse as I waited for them to come downstairs.

When Luka texted me to ask if I wanted to go to a club with him and the guys I jumped at the chance. I had never gone to one for fun before and never one in America.

I had never spent much time in here before and I found myself surprised at the decadence and modernity of the interior design.

I knew they were rich. They lived in a penthouse for heaven's sake, but as I looked around the space I realized they must have been loaded.

The glass doors that separated me from the street were cleaned to perfection. Not a spec of dirt insight. I looked outside to take in the city that waited for us to explore it. As my eyes traveled lazily from cars to people, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention.

Moving my head slightly to get a better look, I realized it was just a shadow across the street. At least I thought it was a shadow. I walked closer to the doors to get a better look... and as I did I could have sworn the shadow moved.

A cold feeling worked it's way up my back but before it had time to take root, the elevator dinged causing my focus to shift. When I looked back to the place I had seen the shadow it was gone. 

Replaced with a couple of women who were sharing a cigarette.

Relieved that it must have just been my imagination I turned my attention back to the elevator just in time to see the guys spill out.

Jesus Christ.

They looked impeccable. Each of them dressed in their own version of club attire and I wanted to drink in the sight of them walking towards me.

I had set a goal for myself before leaving my apartment that I wasn't going to kiss any of them tonight. Looking at them now, I didn't know if I could keep that promise.

"Well, well, well. Look who cleans up nice", I teased them. "You boys look amazing".

"Speak for yourself. Where did you get that dress? You should probably go back and get it in every color available", Luka crooned.

I smiled broadly feeling excited for our night to begin. "Shall we?". I began walking outside and turning towards the nearest subway entrance when I felt a hand grasp my wrist.

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