Chapter 38

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POV: Luka

I rubbed the muscles on my neck as Aidan and I came out of the elevator and made a beeline for the kitchen. I seriously needed an icepack.

Aidan's laughter followed behind me. "I told you that we were going to have to push it a little more today. My fight's next week so Xavier is upping my training for a bit".

"Man, you did not say that. You said that YOU were going to have to push it".

"Semantics. You volunteered to train with me today so it's a WE by default".

I gave his shoulder a nudge with my own before moving past him to open the freezer. It was almost 6 pm on a Friday and we were all home with no plans to go out. We were all in our twenties and sometimes I think we forgot to step back and enjoy the life we were living.

Don't get me wrong, I usually preferred to hang out around the apartment if I wasn't out taking photos or going to class. I just couldn't remember the last time any of us went out- together or not.

Aidan was still with me in the kitchen and Greyson and Colt were close by in the living room. The latter of the two was still on his laptop. No doubt still answering work emails.

"Let's go out tomorrow. We can try that club we've been meaning to go to for months now".

Surprisingly Colt was the one who seemed the most game for my idea. "Hell yeah. I need a fucking drink after the week I just had". Shutting his laptop, he leaned back on the couch with his hands resting behind his head. It was a running joke in our house that while Aidan may have been the professional athlete, Colt was the one that most looked the part.

The guy was massive. Where Greyson and I had more lanky muscles, Colt was more on the bulky side. He didn't look like he was shoveling protein shakes into his mouth every week, but he did look like someone you would want to think twice before getting into an argument with.

"I'm cool with going out too. I'm feeling stressed about my fight next weekend so I think I need to get out and have some fun. Relax a bit". Aidan had a way of closing himself off from most people. But with us, he was able to be more vulnerable and honest about his feelings. "Do you think Lark would come?".

His question hung in the air.

Besides Greyson, none of us had talked to Lark in-depth for a couple of days now besides seeing her in class and passing text messages. I think she appreciated that we gave her space to do her own thing. After nine years of being told what to do and who to be, we never wanted her to feel like she was smothered.

It was Colt who broke the silence. "I'd like to see her".

I nodded my agreement and offered to text her an invitation for tomorrow night. As I was typing out the message, I realized that Greyson had been notably quiet. We hadn't gotten a chance to talk about his date with her since he stayed at her place last night.

Before I sent her the message I looked over to Greyson. "You're oddly quiet this evening".

Everlasting Bonds - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora