Chapter 16. Dear Zeus

Start from the beginning

"So big brother doesn't trust them either" uttered Ian while yawning and I looked in anger at him. Ian chuckled seeing my reaction and then corrected his mistake by saying "Sorry, I meant Big T". I smiled broadly while thinking about how cunning my brother was and then replied to Ian with "Big T is quite a strategist so he probably wants us to gather information about them, just so he can justify our actions against them. And trust me Dobu, the Magnus family will come knocking on our door soon with their fallen friends". Ian nodded at me and then said while rubbing his face on my chest "Please restore everything Zeus because the papers that you just destroyed where the only copies that I had".

I growled while casting a spell and then said to Ian "It was just an illusion Dobu and you should learn some things from Big T. He keeps three copies of everything to make sure that no one can fool him. When I was in middle school, I tried to change my handwork or handcraft grades and I was instantly caught by him. I just took the class because I could break as much stuff as I wanted there. Big T instantly realized that something was wrong when my parents received my report card with only A's on it. According to Big T, I am only capable of destroying things and not creating things. He always says that it's kind of my gift and he is certainly right about that. Big T didn't tell my parents about my cheating. He told me instead that if I tried to fool my parents again then he would ban me from going on missions for the moon goddess. The moon goddess is afraid of him so she would certainly listen to him and I can't live without the thrill. I went to apologize to my parents immediately and I was shocked when my father Kasadya told me that they had already changed my grades back to what they earlier were. Big T watched me like a hawk after that and followed me everywhere for a month. My body still shivers in fear when I think about how Big T's eyes were glued on me".

I frowned when I heard Ian laugh and then asked him "Do you find what happened to me funny Ian?" Ian nodded and then replied to me with "I would do anything to have siblings like yours Zeus. You are quite a troublemaker so I understand Big T's efforts to keep you in line". I pushed Ian away from me and then uttered while laughing "I bet that you will be singing a different tune when Big T confronts you about the things that you have been hiding from him, my dear Ian". Ian looked in shock at me and then suddenly cupped my face. I tried to push his hands away but he tightened his grip on me. I was kissed by Ian before I knew it and my eyes widened in shock when I heard him say "Ah, my strength is restored now".

Ian got up before I could retaliate and I growled in anger at him. Ian smiled in return at me like he had conquered the world. I smirked at him and then casted a spell to scare him again. Ian screamed in fear when he saw my hideous form and then uttered while putting his hand on his chest "Please, don't do that again Zeus. Ah, it feels like I'm about to die from a heart attack". I slowly got up from the floor and then walked towards Ian. Ian took a step back while thinking that I was about to attack him again. I looked straight into Ian's eyes while caressing his cheek and then replied to him with "Don't ever talk about dying again Ian Dobu Landon and especially now that I have realized that I can have so much fun with you".

I smirked at Ian when I realized that he was getting emotional and then said to him "Those filthy Magnus's are on the move so let's go give them a warm greeting Dobu". Ian nodded at me and then casted a spell to follow Leloth and me. We landed on the roof of a house and I smiled while watching Zane's eldest brother stepping out of his car. "Just in time" I uttered when I saw him enter the house on the other side of the street. Ian came to stand next to me and then said "His true name is Daniel Magnus and he is a famous psychologist. He even helps out the C.I.A and the F.B.I in cracking difficult cases from time to time".

I whistled when I heard how smart Zane's brother was and then asked Ian "Shouldn't he show more compassion towards his brother if he's a psychologist Dobu?" Ian sighed when he heard what I had said and then uttered "I guess smart people can act dumb too". I gave Ian a slap on his back while laughing and then uttered "I know what you mean Dobu, I'm the same". I then saw Daniel holding a human child in his arms and asked Ian "Is he mated Dobu?" Ian looked at Daniel and the child and then replied to me with "Yes, he is but he's supposed to be mated to an angel and not a human. He's also supposed to be living in another state and not here".

Ruthless love (MxM, arranged marriage, Mpreg, werewolf) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now