The pinkette leaned up on her elbow, staring down at her girlfriend's naked form. "Who is better in bed? Me or... well... me?"

Cheryl laughed, "You cannot seriously be asking me that."

"Come on, babe. Tell me," Toni begged.

"I refuse to participate in this," Cheryl scoffed.

Toni nodded, smirking as she bit down on her bottom lip, "It's the other one isn't it? Dream me is better than real me... Should I be concerned, Cher?"

"Will you drop this?"

The shorter girl shook her head, "Not till you tell me what me is better in bed."

Cheryl sighed, running her fingers through her sweat dampened hair. She shook her head before looking at Toni with a soft smile, "No one can compare to real you, mon amour."



"There it is!" Toni exclaimed, feeling triumphant.

Cheryl groaned, turning on her side, "You are exhausting. I'm going to sleep."

"No, no. Sorry alright? Tell me what the other me did that you liked so much," Toni requested.

"Fine," Cheryl huffed before turning back on her back. "She... you marked me."

"Oh my God," Toni grinned. "We were kinky?! Well... more so than we already are." Cheryl knew she was referring to their play with blindfolds. "Were there toys? Did I have a whip or something?"

"No! God, TT," the redhead huffed. "I meant like... on my neck... and other places... with her mouth."

"Oh. So... hickies?"

Cheryl nodded, a blush creeping over her pale skin.

"But you've always told me not to leave any," Toni pouted.

"Having flawless skin didn't really matter there," Cheryl shrugged.

Toni licked her lip, "And... does it matter now? Because I could ya know... if you want."

Cheryl looked up at her with doe eyes. "Do you want?"

"To leave my mark on you? Oh, hell yeah, babe."

The taller girl swallowed harshly, her throat suddenly feeling dry. "Could you do it where I could hide them for school?"

"You call the shots," Toni smiled widely, suddenly feeling very excited. "But you know... makeup exists for a reason."

"I don't think it's for that reason," Cheryl scoffed.

The pinkette chuckled, "You'd be surprised, babe."


"Wait, seriously?"

Cheryl nodded, "You can leave some."

"Holy shit," Toni breathed out. "Where'd she... I... leave them?"

"The first was right," Cheryl lifted her hand to the side of her neck, "here."

"So much for not being visible," Toni wiggled her eyebrows before placing a gentle kiss on the spot Cheryl demonstrated. Hesitantly, she sucked on the skin, not wanting to be too aggressive in case Cheryl changed her mind. "This okay?"

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Where stories live. Discover now