Chapter 3

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Trigger warning for bullying

Cheryl woke up with plenty of time to spare

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Cheryl woke up with plenty of time to spare. She didn't know what to expect, but in true Blossom tradition she was determined to dress in a way that would make the best impression possible. The problem with that plan was the wardrobe she currently was rummaging through was sure to do the exact opposite.

How many band t-shirts can one person need? Who even are most of these?

She rolled her eyes and scoffed as she continued sliding the hangers along the metal rod, hoping something would be worthy of wearing to meet Toni. It felt like they were meeting for the first time, and in a sense they were. Cheryl had no idea if the two of them had crossed paths in this world, and in the event they hadn't she needed to present the absolute best version of herself.

Eventually she settled on a black long sleeve halter and the nicest pair of jeans she could find, which turned out to be the only pair without holes in them, fashionable or otherwise. She laid the pieces out on the bed before heading to her bathroom to shower.

She closed the bathroom door behind her and stared into the mirror. The redhead still was in disbelief by the reflection staring back at her.

"Left $5 on the counter for you to get lunch. Promise I'll stop by the mart on my way home and get some groceries," her uncle yelled from the other room.

Cheryl had no idea what she could possibly buy with only $5 but replied a thank you nonetheless.

"Anything special you'd like for dinner? I think they're running a sale on hot dogs."

She gagged at the suggestion and with the fakest enthusiasm she could muster responded, "Whatever you get will be fine. Thank you."

"Sure thing. Have a good day at school, Goose," Claud answered just before Cheryl heard the front door close behind him.

Did he just call me fowl?

She physically shook the thought from her head as she began to strip from her clothes to take a shower. As the redhead lifted the shirt over her head, she felt her fingers brush against something hard. Cheryl's head snapped down and her eyes grew wide as she saw the curved barbell piercing her navel.

Another one? How many of these do I have? Oh god... please no...

Hesitantly, she finished removing the top, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to brace herself. Cheryl turned to face the mirror once again and slowly opened her eyes. A sigh of relief escaped her throat when she saw her breasts were free from any adornments.

Knowing she had one more place to check, she finished undressing and inspected between her thighs. "Oh thank God," she exhaled, grateful her alternate self hadn't gotten more adventurous than a belly ring.

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Where stories live. Discover now