Chapter 11

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It was a day Cheryl was both looking forward to and dreading all at once. Today was the day she would receive her Serpent tattoo. She was scared, having never had a tattoo before. It was another aspect of the initiation she had avoided the first time around. Not that she hadn't intended to get one.

Cheryl had gone on her iconic cross country road trip with Toni two days after receiving her jacket, and she had fully planned on getting hers after returning, but with the chaos of Archie's prosecution, it was postponed. And then... and then there was no need for a tattoo anymore.

This time was different. She had done every aspect of her initiation by the books, and her tattoo would be no exception. After school she and Jughead were going to Lorimer Body Shop to make her initiation official.

Before, Cheryl would have been concerned about marking her flawless body with such an adornment, but that was no longer an issue. She had scars; she had piercings. Her body was no longer the unblemished vessel it once was.

"You nervous?" Jughead asked on the drive to school.

She shrugged, "Perhaps a little. I know this body is used to needles, but I am not."

"You've got this," he told her matter-of-factly.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence," Cheryl said with a smile as she watched the houses they passed zoom by the window. "It's just slightly daunting."

"You know where you're getting it?" he asked.

Cheryl nodded. She knew exactly where she was getting it, but she didn't want to say it aloud just yet. "I know exactly where I'm getting it. I always have."


Ever since their encounter in the bathroom, Cheryl had been looking for opportunities to talk to Toni, but she didn't want to push it. Not to mention, Heather was always around. The girl may not have it out for the redhead anymore now that she was protected by her Serpent skin, but Cheryl didn't want to give her any reason to resume her torment.

Nothing was happening, much to Cheryl's dismay. Toni was as just as cold and distant, clinging to her girlfriend's side. It wasn't like Cheryl expected to win her affection overnight, but she had expected something.

She stood by her locker, listening to Toni and Heather talk about their weekend plans. They were going to Shadow Lake. Heather's parents had a cabin. It was going to be the perfect weekend.

Cheryl was going to be sick.

The redhead shoved her backpack into her locker a little too aggressively, causing her pencil case to become dislodged. The impact caused the old case to break open, and her drawing pencils scattered.

"Perfect," she scolded under her breath. Cheryl bent down and began to collect her fallen items when a hand offered her a stray pencil.

"This rolled over to my locker," Toni smiled. "Here."

Cheryl stared at her slack jawed. "Th-thanks," she stuttered as she accepted the offered pencil.

"Oh my God, Toni," Heather scoffed. "You're helping it now?"

"Sorry," Toni mouthed, causing Cheryl to laugh. She rose to her feet and went back to her girlfriend.

"Walk me to class?"

Toni glanced at Cheryl for a moment before turning her attention back to Heather. "Yeah. Let's go, babe."

It wasn't much, but it was a start. Cheryl picked up the rest of her drawing supplies with a smile plastered across her face.

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora