Chapter 18

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"The kiss didn't work," Cheryl sighed, walking into her room. She had texted Jughead asking him to come back over when leaving Toni's after eating dinner with her family. "I'm supposed to be home now, Jug!" Cheryl plopped down on her bed next to Jughead and rested her head in her hands.

"Wait, you kissed her?" Jughead asked. "So everything is okay with you two?"

Cheryl sat upright, a smile on her face. "More than," the girl blushed. "She forgave me and then we kissed. It was," she sighed, "perfect. Which is the problem! How am I still here and not back to the real world?"

"Okay, Cher, hear me out... What if... don't hate me for saying this, but what if this is the real world?" Jughead suggested.

"Absolutely not," the redhead spat, clearly disgusted at the mere idea. "That's... that's preposterous."

"Think about it."

Cheryl shook her head, "I refuse to even entertain such a notion. There I had Toni. There I was rich and ruled the school. How could that possibly be a nightmare?"

"You also had cults and serial killers," Jughead deadpanned.

"No... I refuse to believe that."

"Well the kiss didn't work, so it's either that or—"

"I choose to believe whatever 'or' is," she said before he had a chance to finish his thought.

Jughead sighed, "Maybe the kiss didn't work because it's not true love."

"I love her with my entire being, Jughead," Cheryl seethed.

"I know you do, but she doesn't love you," Jughead reminded. "At least... not yet."

Cheryl sighed, "Okay... so... new plan. I just have to make Toni fall in love with me."


"Any plans for the weekend?" Cheryl asked. She was currently leaning up against the lockers while Toni pulled her books out for her afternoon classes.

Toni smirked, "Trying to ask me out, Blossom?"

The redhead blushed, "And failing apparently."

"Nah," Toni disagreed. "You're doing just fine, Cher. But I'm busy this weekend. My parents are out of town this weekend, and I have to watch Violet."

"I understand," Cheryl said, a twinge of disappointment in her voice. She tilted her head to the side, a relaxed smile upon her cherry lips. "I'm sure she'll love spending that time with you."

"Yeah," the shorter girl nodded. "She's really excited. We're going to the Woodsburg Zoo tomorrow. Going to make a day of it."

"That should be fun."

"And then I'm going to be busy Sunday with homework. I'm excited to go, but it's going to suck not being able to see you this weekend." Toni bit down on her bottom lip for a moment before asking, "Unless you want to come with?"

"To the zoo?"

"Yeah, with me and my sister," the blonde confirmed. "I promise it'll be fun."

"I need no convincing," Cheryl grinned. "I'd love to go."

"Great," Toni smiled widely. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 9."


The next day, Toni was waiting outside Cheryl's trailer at exactly 9:00am. No one could say the girl wasn't punctual. Cheryl was surprised when she went outside and found a silver, Jaguar SUV instead of Toni's Tesla.

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Where stories live. Discover now