Chapter 13

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The week went by without event. Cheryl decided not to tell Toni the truth about what she had done. The redhead didn't see a point. As Jughead said, it would only make things worse. She needed Toni, and she wasn't about to mess everything up when they were finally making progress.

The pair had yet to attempt to work on their project since Monday, but they had been talking more and more during school. A plan was in place to meet tomorrow, but today was Saturday, and Cheryl had other schoolwork to finish.

She had brought her laptop, one of the items she purchased at Southside Pawn with her store credit, to Rose Lane Café, the closest location with public Wi-Fi. Cheryl had purchased a vanilla latte and got to work, typing up her American History paper.

"Well, well, well," a voice said, causing Cheryl to look up and meet eyes with Storm. "Since when does Cheryl Blossom have a laptop?"

"Just got it," Cheryl answered, turning her attention back to her work. She did not need this right now.

"Never thought I'd see the day," Storm said, taking the seat next to her. "Didn't you have sentimental value to that tower?"

"I... I couldn't remember the password," the redhead answered honestly.

"Unless you changed it, it was phoenix," the other girl responded. "You know... 'cuz I'm Storm, and you're Jean Grey. At least... we used to be."

"I changed it after we broke up," Cheryl said quickly, clearing her throat. She made a mental note to try that password later on, still wanting access to the machine.

Storm smiled, "At least you're acknowledging we dated now, babe. That's better than you pretending you don't know me."

"Yes, well."

"Cher, come on," Storm begged. "Talk to me. I miss us."

Cheryl pursed her lips, feeling uncomfortable. "I really must focus on this. I have a lot of work due Monday."

"Worst thing that ever happened was you going to that Northsider school. If you had been transferred to Seaside with me... well... things may have turned out differently," Storm sighed, getting up from her chair. "I'll see you around I guess."

The redhead took a deep, relieving breath upon the other girl's departure. She couldn't help but think of the other her and what had transpired to break up her relationship with Storm. Of course, Cheryl didn't care that much. That wasn't her life. Toni was all that mattered.


Saturday night was like any other: weed and alcohol with the boys. It was quickly becoming Cheryl's favorite part of the week, and that fact slightly terrified her. Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Jughead were somehow her best friends, and she loved their company. More times than not, hanging out with them reminded her of Toni and their past. It was a feeling she didn't mind revisiting as often as possible. The intoxication was just an added bonus.

The group conversed outside of the Whyte Wrym. They each had a bottle of Budweiser in their hand while a freshly lit joint was being passed around.

"She's the hottest girl in school. That's all I'm saying," Sweet Pea said before taking a swig from his bottle.

Fangs rolled his eyes, "Dude, are you capable of talking about anything besides how hot you think Lodge is?"

"What?" the boy asked. "Okay, point. But it's not just her looks. She's so smart, and she's nice."

"Dude, let it go," Fangs pleaded.

"Let a man dream, would you?"

"So where to from here?" Jughead asked, changing the subject as he accepted the joint from Cheryl. He took a hit before sending it onward to Fangs.

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