Chapter 12

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The rest of the weekend went slower than Cheryl would have liked. She wanted to get back to school to see Toni again; it felt as though she was finally making progress with the girl. She couldn't complain too much, being that she spent Saturday once again getting high with her friends.


"Come on," Cheryl whined. "Give it back." She reached for the pipe, which was being horded by Sweet Pea. "Isn't there a rotation rule or something?"

"I think she's addicted, Jones," the tall boy called out. "Better keep this away from her."

"Pea, share," Fangs ordered.

Sweet Pea huffed and passed it back to Cheryl, who smiled before taking a hit. She melted into the couch with a smile. "I love you guys," she said absentmindedly.

"How fucked up is she?" Jughead asked as he walked back from the kitchen, a round of fresh beer in his arms. He quickly handed out the cans before taking his seat next to Cheryl.

"Fucked up enough to say she loves us, not fucked up enough to start forgetting English," Fangs answered.

"I do love you guys," Cheryl reiterated. "You are weirdly enough my best friends. I hang out with Swanghead on the weekends! Who would have thought this would be my life? Not me."

"What on earth?" Fangs bursted out laughing. "Please never say that again."

"Yeah, Goose," Sweet Pea cringed, "we don't need a ship name, but uh... thanks."

"What about you, Juggie?" she asked her beanie wearing friend. "Do you hate it too?"

"Yes, Cher," he shook his head. "Just drink your beer, alright?"

"None of you appreciate my intellect."


Monday morning went by as all mornings had. Cheryl woke up, got ready for her day, rode to school with Jughead, and went to class. To her dismay, she didn't see Toni at the lockers that morning, but it didn't dampen her spirits. That afternoon she had English Literature, the one time she was sure to see Toni, even from a distance.

Cheryl sat next to Jughead at lunch, as usual, when Ethel came up to their table. She seemed nervous, but Cheryl had no idea why. She glanced over to Toni's table to find Heather. The taller blonde was shooting daggers at the Serpents. It caused Cheryl to stifle a laugh; it seemed her speech on Friday stuck with the girl.

She turned her attention back to Ethel, "Hey. Is everything alright?"

"Great, actually," the girl answered. "The Bulldogs haven't bothered any of us at all today. Dilton, Ben, and I just wanted to say thank you. We thought it would be best for me to say it... since... well..."

"Since we're friends?" Cheryl asked.

Ethel smiled, "We are?"

"I like to think so," she answered. "If that's okay with you."

"More than okay, Cheryl," the other redhead responded. "I can't believe I'm friends with a gang member. Is it weird that I feel cool?"

Cheryl laughed, "Not at all. It felt pretty cool to me before I joined, even if that friend was Jughead."

"Hey," the boy blurted out. "Cheap shot."

"Doesn't mean it's not true," Sweet Pea said from the other side of Cheryl. "Red sure has moved up in the friends department since those days. Right, Fangs?"

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