Chapter 20

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"What the hell is going on here?!" Jade yelled, waking the two sleeping girls.

Cheryl instantly felt a sense of panic and déjà vu. Toni's mother had caught them in bed together, just like the time her own mother had caught her in bed with a girl. Except this time was worse for the redhead; this time she was naked.

"Holy shit," Toni gasped. "Mom!"

"Get dressed," her mother snapped. "I want you both downstairs in five minutes. Do you understand me, Antoinette?"

The blonde nodded weakly, "Yes, ma'am."

Jade left the room, slamming the door on her way out. Toni ran a hand through her dyed hair and sighed.

"Shit," she said. "You were right; we should have gotten dressed."

"How are you so calm?" Cheryl asked, tears threatening to fall down her face. Everything was ruined.

"Cher, it'll be okay. My mom's just going to give us the talk, I'm sure," Toni shrugged. "Have you seen my bra?"

"Toni, this is serious," the redhead cried.

"Babe, it'll be fine," Toni assured. "I promise."

"You don't know that!" Cheryl sobbed. "What if she sends me away?"

"Sends you aw—" Toni's brow furrowed. "What?"

"For being with you," the taller girl clarified. Tears continued to streak down her face as she slipped on her t-shirt. "What if this is goodbye?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Toni said, clearly confused. "My mom would never do that, and even if she tried, I wouldn't let her."

"What if you can't stop her?" Cheryl had flashbacks of her own mother kicking Heather out, forcing her whole family to move. What if that happened to her? She'd never see Toni again. She'd never get home. This would be her life... poor and without any version of Toni. The thought was too much for her to bare.

"Baby," Toni cooed, "I swear, no one is taking you away from me. Okay? I won't let them."

Cheryl nodded, not really believing the words Toni was telling her. "I believe you'll try."

"Come on," the shorter girl prompted. "Let's go downstairs. You'll see. My mom isn't scary; I promise."

"Okay," the redhead responded, utterly defeated.

Cheryl followed Toni downstairs and into the living room where Jade was sitting in an armchair waiting. The woman motioned to the sofa, signalling the girls to sit down across from her to talk.

"You girls are in a lot of trouble," Jade started. "Do you have any idea how lucky you are? Violet could have walked in instead of me, or worse, your father!"

"I'm sorry, Mom," Toni said. "We should have been more careful."

"You shouldn't have been doing it at all!" she snapped. "You are still in high school!"

Cheryl sat silently, staring at her lap. She was waiting for the inevitable, waiting to be banished from Toni's life forever.


"Don't 'Mom' me," Jade said. "You girls are being responsible at least?"

Toni nodded, "Regular checkups and all that. We've had this talk before."

"Well, I've never had to see it with my own eyes before, Antoinette!"

"Can you stop whole naming me please? My girlfriend is freaking out enough."

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora