Chapter 19

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Smut warning

Cheryl and Toni began to spend more and more time together at school

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Cheryl and Toni began to spend more and more time together at school. What had evolved from classroom conversation and the occasional talk by the lockers was now constant. They held hands in the hallway and even began having lunch together.

As the pair got up to throw away their trash, they ran into the one person Cheryl wanted to avoid. Not for her own safety anymore, but because she was afraid of what she'd do. Cheryl couldn't help but feel the urge to punch the girl in the face whenever she saw her.

"My how the mighty have fallen," Heather said. "You go from me to," she eyed Cheryl, still holding her lunch tray, "to literal garbage."

"The only garbage here is you," Toni seethed. "Not sure why it took me so long to notice."

"Guess you were never better than your family after all," the other girl remarked, acting as she had the high ground.

"Piss off, Heather," Toni growled.

"Got a problem here?" Jughead said a moment later, appearing with Sweet Pea and Fangs.

Heather rolled her eyes with a scoff, "No problem, cretin. I was just making some harmless conversation." She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and left.

"You okay?" Cheryl asked Toni, rubbing her hand comfortingly up and down the shorter girl's arm.

"I'm great, Cher," she answered. "Let's get out of here."

"Hey," Jughead called after them. "You're welcome!"

"Thanks, Jug," Cheryl waved him off, her other hand already entwined with Toni's.

"Still on for Pop's right?" Fangs yelled.

Cheryl shook her head. She looked over her shoulder, "See you boys there after school as planned."


"Cher, stop acting so nervous," Toni said, trying to calm the girl down.

The redhead nodded, "Sorry. I'm simply anxious about you meeting my friends."

Your friends.

"I'm sure this will go great," Toni assured, gently squeezing Cheryl's hand as they walked into Pop's.

Jughead, Sweet Pea, and Fangs were already there, crowded into one of the booths. Upon seeing them, Cheryl slid in next to Jughead, leaving space for Toni on her left.

"You ladies know what you want? I'm starving," the beanie wearing boy said.

Cheryl scoffed, "When are you not?"

Pop Tate came by a few minutes later to take their orders. Everyone ordered virtually the same thing, except for Sweet Pea getting onion rings with his burger and Fangs ordering breakfast for dinner.

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