Chapter 2: Hanging with the Plastics + A Crush on the Soccer Captain

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The moment ended when the bell rang, singling that the class period was over. Lance mentally groaned in his head as he began to pack up his things. Just like yesterday, he happened to bump right into Keith again.

"S-Sorry," Lance mumbled as he once again helped Keith to his feet.

"We really have to stop meeting up like this," Keith said with a small chuckle as Lance chuckled nervously in response.

"I know. I'm pretty clumsy when it comes to nice-looking-" Lance cut himself off as his cheeks burned up a bit in embarrassment. "I-I mean I just wasn't paying attention, is all!"

"Oh. Well uh...You should work on that next time," Keith said with a small smile as he grabbed his bag and started to head out. Lance mentally slapped himself at the utter embarrassment he caused on both of them. Before he could properly apologize, he was stopped by a small robot.

"Hey, you're the new guy, right?" It spoke as Lance cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah...?" He answered with a confused tone. Why was he being approached by everyone these days?

"I happen to be the captain of the Mathletes. We participate in math challenges against other high schools around the state. We can get more funding if we had another member to join. You should think about joining us. My name is Beezer," the robot said as it outstretched a metal hand towards Lance. Lance awkwardly shook its hand before it recoiled back.

"Oh, the Mathletes, huh?" Their teacher Adam said as he was cleaning up the whiteboard. "You would be perfect for it, Lance. With the performance you've shown in your math assignments alone, you have potential."

"I'll uh...Think about," Lance said with a small smile. Before he was about to leave the classroom, he thought about hopefully finding Keith to apologize about the mishap. Unfortunately, when Lance finally got to the hallway, Keith was already gone.


He figured he had to be at soccer practice. Luckily, school was over, so Lance made his way over to the soccer field. By his luck, Keith was there doing some drills with his team. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Lance and waved at him. With a small blush, Lance waved back, and he definitely blushed more as Keith ran over to him.

"Hey there, Mr. Clumsy," Keith joked as Lance frowned. "Sorry, I'm bad at openings with jokes."

"Speaking of being bad, I wanted to apologize for embarrassing the both of us back there in class. I didn't mean to blap that out," Lance said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey, it's no biggie. In fact, uh," Keith said as he looked away for a moment. "I was going to ask you something back there, but it felt like you wanted to hide from me."

"You were going to ask me something?" Lance asked, his eyes widening a little in surprise. Was he really going to...?

"Yeah. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to-"

A car honking caused the two to jump in surprise. They both looked at where the sound came from, finding the plastics in a silver cruiser. Allura had pushed the horn.

"Get in, loser. We're going shopping," She said as Nyma and Shay waved at him. Lance gulped and sighed, slightly grasping his backpack sleeve a bit tighter.

"I'm coming," He mumbled as Keith caught his shoulder softly. Lance looked back at him, surprised at the gesture.

"I'll just ask you next week. Okay?" Keith said with a small, reassuring smile.

"Oh. Okay," Lance said, returning his smile with a small one. Keith let him go and Lance jogged on over to Allura's car, jumping right in. He got to share one last glance at the captain before he turned and returned to his team. However, he could feel a sense of dread radiating from Allura's gaze. Even Nyma and Shay seemed a bit nervous.

However, even after all that, Lance was invited to Allura's house. He figured they liked having him as a "pet", because honestly, he didn't feel like he fit in at all. They were still making a pit stop to the mall. It was quite busy, full of both adults shopping and teenagers from their school hanging out.

"So, how has your first week been so far?"

"Huh?" Lance said as he was brought out of his daydream.

"I said how has your first week been so far?" Shay asked.

"Oh. It's good. I've been thinking of joining the Mathletes," Lance said as all three of them groaned in protest. "What?"

"You cannot do that. That's social suicide. You're so lucky to have us to guide you around," Allura said with confidence as Nyma gasped.

"Oh, my god. There's Rolo!" She said, pointing over to the familiar boy Lance had trouble with before. He was walking around with another girl Lance had never seen before. "He's with Romelle it seems."

"Well, Rolo isn't going out with Romelle. He can't just blow you off like that. He's such a little skeez," Allura noted before sticking out her hand. "Give me your phone."

"You're not going to call him, right?" Nyma said as she handed her phone to her.

"I'm not an idiot, Nyma. Let me handle this," She said as she began dialing a number in. The phone rang for a bit before someone answered on the other side. Allura cleared her throat before talking in a mature voice. "Hello, may I speak to Romelle?"

"This is her brother, Bandor. She isn't home yet. Who's this?" The voice asked.

"This is Susan at Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you could let her know that we called, that would be great. It's urgent. Thank you," Allura said in a cheerful voice before hanging up the phone. The girls all laughed in delight as Lance could only stare in disbelief. "Oh, she won't be going out with anyone tonight."

The girls began to walk away and right when Lance was about to follow, he heard Romelle speaking frantically on a phone call. It was probably her brother calling her after that matter. At this point, Lance was heavily reconsidering his life choices at the moment.

After the mall, they arrived to Allura's house. Lance was surprised at how big the estate was. Pidge and Hunk weren't kidding that she was loaded with money.

"Your house is really nice, Allura," Lance said as Allura smiled.

"I know, right? Wish it was a bit bigger though," She said as everyone walked inside.

"Make sure you don't stare too long at her mom's boob job," Nyma whispered to him.

"Oh, okay," He whispered back before realizing what she said.


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