CHAPTER 17: Camryn

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While Rodster grilled steak, my mouth was watering from the deliciousness. Along with corn on the cob he seemed to be grilling on there as well.

He also made a baked potato and I prepared the toppings and everything else including the table for us.

I was surprised also that Davis even agreed and has been well behaved all day long, although I still am a little on edge because I still am waiting for that old Davis to come out. But so far nothing. So I'm taking advantage of that.

After Rod was finished grilling and making everything, we all sat down at the table.

Rod was sitting across from me while Davis was sitting next to me but at the head of the table that normally his dad, Franklin does.

We started to eat and I wanted to avoid any awkward silence between us and ruin this great meal, so I decided to break the awkward silence.

"Thanks again for making this. It is soooo yummy." I commented.

"Thanks. I remembered it being your favorite." Rodster smiled and winked at me after taking a bite of steak.

We heard Davis clear his throat a little to remind us he was still here.

"So, Rodster is it? How is it exactly that you know Camryn?" Davis asks Rod.

"We grew up together practically. Then one day she just up and left and now she's back." Rod smiles at me.

"Sorry about that by the way. I guess my mom couldn't stay with the memory of what happened to my dad." I say.

I haven't mentioned my dad in a while. So this was going to be interesting.

"It's cool. You're back now and maybe we could even...." Rodster began to say then Davis cut him off.

"Hey Cam?!" Davis says to me. "That reminds me, I'm gonna be having some friends over this weekend. And my dad told me to tell you that you have to stay here at the house because he wants me to keep an eye on you until they return, so make sure not to make any plans." He says.

What is he talking about? His dad has never told me and I'm sure would have told me that.

"Oh." I replied.

"Even going to the movies?" Rod says.

I looked at him surprised and yet started to smile also.

"Yeah." Davis snaps back at Rodster. Then he throws his fork and knife down then threw down his napkin and stood up and pulled out his phone. "I have to return a call real fast. Make sure you don't eat all of that." He tells me before heading out to the backyard, closing the sliding glass door behind him.

I forgot I was supposed to be on a diet. So I stopped eating my potato and began drinking some tea.

"Don't listen to him. You don't need to eat less." Rod tells me.

I appreciate his nice words but I can't upset Davis.

"Thanks but he's right. I am on a low carb diet. I should be careful." I tell him while drinking some more tea.

I noticed Rod shaking his head and then taking some more bites. I'm not even full yet because technically, I haven't been allowed to eat much and since Davis weighs me every few days and tomorrow is the next weigh-in, I probably should stop.

"Unbelievable." Rod says under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He says.

"Come on, what is it?" I insisted.

"Why do you let him talk to you like that? He's your step brother and I get that, along with him being all protective for you but to tell you what to eat and what not to? Sounds a bit controlling." He mentions.

He's right and maybe I should I tell him what's really going on including this new found 'nice' attitude streak Davis has been having with me for a little bit now. But I just chicken out. Not to mention fear that Rodster would get badly hurt as I have seen before Davis beat somebody nearly to death one time after him and his dad first moved in with us.

"He just cares." I lied.

"Pff. Whatever." He says sitting back in his chair.

I don't know what came over me next but something just frustrated me about what Rod just said.

"Well what about you?" I started to point out.

"What about me?" He scowls at me.

"Well why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? Now that we're finished with the project, why would you offer to cook?" I asked him.

"Because I thought I was being nice." He snaps a little bit at me.

"Well I wasn't meaning it in a bad way, I was just asking." I replied. "You're so quick to judge Davis when you don't even know him."

I don't know why I even said that but I regret it and by the look on his face, I seemed to have hit a nerve I didn't mean to hit. Before I got a chance to even apologize, he beat me to it.

"And you're so quick to fucking defend him treating you like shit! Is that what you like now, huh? What happened to the girl that wanted Prince Charming and all that happily ever after crap?" He asks.

"Hey, fuck you! I was a little girl still believing fairy tales and trust me, I have grown up since then and I don't believe in any of that bullshit anymore. Plus, when I had talked about Prince Charming at the time, I for some stupid and pathetic childish reason hoped it would have been you. But I was never good enough or thin enough or pretty enough for you. I still am not." I try fighting back tears that are trying to force their way out.

I wipe them away and sniffle a little bit but then start walking into the kitchen and putting my plate in the sink along with Davis' after tossing the food into the trash.

Why do things keep looking good and then this bullshit always happens to ruin it?!

I next feel his soft masculine hands slowly touch my hand on the sink and turns me around and holds the side of my face then wipes tears away and says he's sorry before leaning in and giving me a passionate long romantic best first kiss.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

A Change Of Heart?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें