CHAPTER 9: Camryn

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"Let's go to my place." He says.

"Why there?" I asked like an idiot.

"So we can study without distractions." He tells me.

"Okay but.." I start and protest a little bit.

"But what? Oh, is your boyfriend going to have a problem with that or something?!?" He asks.

Boyfriend? Who the hell...Oh....

"He isn't..." I tried to explain but he didn't want to hear it and just repeated for us to get together at his house.

Deep down inside I had wished he offered me a ride because I would have been able to accept it. But I understand why not. Although tomorrow we would need to cut our studying from a few hours to only two since I have to get back to work and earn some more money.

Today was my birthday and I had made myself pretty today and felt good about myself, despite the teasing and crude remarks. I felt good for the first time in a long time and had even thought if treating myself to a nice dinner tonight.

I love barbecue and haven't had good barbecue in so long that after I heard about this new place in town here, I was excited to go.

I stopped by the house at first so that I would be able to bring only my purse and just leave but that didn't happen as planned of course.

As soon as I stepped into the house, I noticed there were a few suitcases and bags by the door. Then I saw my stepfather, Franklin and my mom both walking towards the door.

"There you are." My mom says.

"What's with the bags?" I asked.

"Franklin and I are going away for a little while. He needs to fly to Maryland for business and then we were heading off to Hawaii for a trip. So we will be gone a few months." She says.

"And what about Davis? Is he going with you guys also?" I asked.

"No, my son insisted on staying here with you to make sure you're okay. But don't worry, he has our numbers in case you all need anything and we will be back in time for your graduation." He says.

Well, I was happy for a brief moment in thinking my stepbrother Davis would go with them as he normally does but no such luck.

"You look nice by the way." Franklin comments.

"Oh, thank you." I replied.

"Going out tonight?" He asks me.

"Just to dinner." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well have fun." He says.

My mom seems agitated with me for some reason and then they say goodbye before leaving. I couldn't believe that I had to stay here with Davis.

Speaking of which, as I waited until after my mom and Franklin left, out of sight, I grabbed my purse and began walking towards the door when I heard Davis from behind me.

"Why are you all dressed up?" He asks in disgust.

"I was going out for dinner." I tell him.

"With who?!" He asks me in a assertive tone.

"Nobody, just myself. It's my birthday." I mumble the last part beneath my breath.

"You're what? You're birthday?" He asks.

"Y-yeah. So I'll be back later." I tell him and as soon as I start to open the door, I hear him call out.

"Wait, you can't be alone on your birthday." He says.

This couldn't be the same stepbrother I have been enduring for a while now.

"It's okay." I try to assure him. Even though I sincerely don't mind being by myself.

"Nonsense. Let's go somewhere." He says with a smile on his face, something I have not seem him do in I don't know when.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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