Before Saint could utter another word, Perth pulled him into a kiss. It was not a peck, but a complete pressing of lips as though Perth wanted him to stop saying anything further about splitting up. Regardless of the rumors in the university around him, Saint was altogether a different person, a lovable, beautiful person who could light up his life like no other. For the first time he felt like he was about to lose him forever, thanks to Kenji, he was here holding him tight, determined to not let go.

Perth pulled out of the kiss, leaving Saint breathless. Saint was breathing heavily, trying to get back his breath rhythm. Before he could even calm himself, Perth moved again to kiss him. This time it was a sweet kiss, a patient one, waiting for Saint to accept him. Saint was scared yet he did not want Perth to stop. He gave him his permission and let Perth take over. He kissed him back with the same fervor.

Perth pulled himself back. Saint was blushing. It was satisfying to see Saint being flushed. Perth smiled to himself. What did he do to deserve such a beautiful person in his life. 

"I don't want anyone but you. If you don't want to participate in this competition, that's okay. I will withdraw too. But don't think of leaving me. Ever. Do you understand that?" Perth asked him. Saint nodded in submission.

"So...what were you thinking about me in the afternoon?" Perth teased him.

Saint was embarrassed. His embarrassment was showing on his face. He was biting his lips continuously. Perth stopped him from doing that by keeping his finger on his lips.

"Let me be the one to bite them, Saint." Perth said.

Saint parted them slightly, hinting Perth to start over. Without wasting time, Perth once again leaned in to kiss him. He raised himself, pushing Saint on the couch, and he lay on top of him. Saint unconsciously spread his legs for Perth to settle in between them. It was a dangerous situation. As Perth shifted a bit, he could feel Saint's bulge. He pulled from the kiss and stared down. He was getting hard too.

"I was thinking about this." Saint whispered. 

Perth looked back at him. "Tell me what else did you think of."

"I want to see you." Saint bit his lips again.

Perth moved away and removed his shirts and threw it aside. Saint sat up, his hands extended to touch Perth. His fingers ran over his chest. How taut his skin was compared to Saint's which was soft as cotton. He could feel Perth's stomach contracting as he touched around his naval. Perth was watching his every move.

"Can I?" Saint asked as his fingers trailed around Perth's pelvic region.

"Go ahead. It's all yours." He answered.

Saint was burning at a very high rate, he was scared that he might explode any moment. He unbuckled his jeans, to expose the bulge that was struggling to be set free. He moved ahead and kissed it on top of the fabric.

Perth smirked. "You want this more than me. Is that why you ran away?"

Saint looked at him. "I like you very much. If I didn't, I wouldn't have dared to say all this."

Perth cupped his face and kissed him again. He was struggling to hold himself back.

"Have you done this with anyone before?" Perth asked. Saint shook his head in denial.

"Then let's not hurry right now. Let's take our time." Perth said. Saint's face dropped in disappointment.

Perth chuckled. "I didn't say we'd stop here."

Saint lifted his face in confusion. Perth got off the couch, pulled Saint up and walked him to his room. He lay Saint on the bed and crawled on top of him. He kissed him through out. He then removed his shirt, exposing Saint's pale body. How much of strength he needs to control himself. His fingers drew all over his body giving Saint goosebumps. He kissed him again. Opened his jeans and released Saint's member. It was standing erect, waiting to release. In comparison to his, Saint's penis was virgin pink. His was darker, thicker and experienced, but only with girls. However, being with Saint had a different effect on him, unlike he's ever felt before.

He kissed Saint over and over again. Moving from his forehead, to his cheeks, to his neck and back to his nose and lips. Holding their members together in his hand, he started to pump them. He could hear moans and heavy breathing and short gasps of sounds.
He looked at Saint's face that was lost in the rise of emotions. He wanted to take him then and there. But he decided to give that a bit more time.

Saint's voice changed as he was nearing climax. He kept calling his name in between which assured Perth that he indeed was what Saint needed.

" about to come..." Saint was grasping for air through his moans.

"Me too...uh...Saint...ah... let's come together..."

A few more rounds of pumping and they came together, with their sperm spraying all over Saint's stomach and on his hands. Perth collapses on the other side of Saint and lay there until his breath became normal. After a while Saint got up, fetched a towel and walked to the washroom to clean himself. Perth followed him there. He helped Saint wipe off the sperm. Saint was blushing. He was not used to someone taking care of him. This was a new feeling. After they cleaned up, they walked back to the bed and lay on it for a while. Perth pulled him into an embrace, slowly kissing all over his face.

"I hadn't planned all this today." Perth sighed.

Saint looked up to him. "I am sorry." He apologized.

"No. Don't. It's good whatever happened. I wouldn't have known how you felt otherwise." Perth replied pulling him closer.

It was almost dinner time. Perth asked if he wanted to go out for dinner. Saint replied that he wanted to be in his arms longer.

Before leaving, Perth asked Saint to promise him that he wouldn't back off and they are together and will always be. Saint was happy. For the first time, he had found himself a genuine person who loved him for who he was. 

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