Build trust to break it

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The lady kept putting food in Kira's plate,  while Kira kept hogging it like she hadn't eaten for several months.
She liked the taste of the food. At least it was much better than the one from that place.
"You know, you can eat it slowly. The food is not going to escape." Shizuka said, smiling.
"Manners is the last thing I need right now." Kira said as she bit down a whole slice of steak.
"You should eat it slowly by cutting it into pieces." Shizuka said and she took Kira's steak.
She took a cutlery knife and started cutting the steak into smaller pieces. Her hand movements were elegant and slow. Kira felt good looking at it while on the other side she felt annoyed that she was cutting it so slowly.
"Here you go." Shizuka said and handed the perfectly cut steak to Kira.
"Thanks." Kira said and started eating it very fast.
Shizuka sighed. "Eat it slowly and chew it before swallowing."
"I don't really care."
"This is good for your personality development." Shizuka said.
"Person-what?" Kira asked, tilting her head in confusion.
"Per-son-a-lity." Shizuka repeated it slowly. "It gives an unique identity to every person."
Kira still had the blank look on her face. Shizuka smiled, this brat was kind of cute. "Like... tell me how was your mom."
Kira's face immediately lit up by the mention of her mom. "She was kind and sweet but if you piss her off, she was super scary."
Shizuka chuckled, "I see. So, your mom's personality was kind."
Suddenly Kira's face lost all its previous cheerfulness, "But she..."
Shizuka's face too became serious. "She.....?"
"She got killed by one of dadda's friend-wait, why am I telling all of this to you?" Kira asked glaring at Shizuka.
Shizuka sighed, and here I thought kids were easy.
"Anyways, Raven, let's go to sleep after brushing our teeth."
"Why are you calling me Raven?"
"You didn't tell me your name, so I called you by the color of your hair."
"So will you name your blonde child 'blondie'?" Kira asked.
However Shizuka didn't answer. This brat would be death of me, Shizuka thought as she went up the stairs. Shizuka looked at Kira, who was following her. Can she really turn into a mother?

"Alright, see you tomorrow, Raven." Shizuka said as she made sure Kira was comfortable.
"Wait." Shizuka heard Kira call, just as she was about to leave.
"What? Don't tell me you are scared to sleep alone in the dark, Raven." Shizuka said as she gave a teasing smile.
"No way!"
"Then what is it?"
"Kira." Kira said as she blushed a bit and turned around.
"My name... it's Kira."
Shizuka smiled. "Ah, I see." She then turned off the light and said. "See you tomorrow, Raven~"
"I TOLD YOU MY NAME IS KIRA!!" Kira shouted but just heard the door closing. Unbeknownst to her, a small smile had made way to her face.

(2 months ever since)
"Aunt Shizuka, where shall I keep these chilies?" Kira asked the women, who was busy cooking.
"Uh... keep them in the basket to the right." Shizuka replied.
It's been 2 months since Kira was bought over to Shizuka's. Their change in addressing each other and the atmosphere around the place has also changed.
It was peaceful and harmonious. Everything like a family should be. After all, Kira was still oblivious to the dark secret Shizuka beholds. Will this peace last long?

(5 more months later)
It was dark and cold. There laid a girl no more than the age of five. Her cloths were bloody and tattered as if, she underwent a torture session.
Her face held no expression. Her raven hair was spread all across the floor. Her skin was deathly pale and her body was malnourished.
Around her was a iron cage. She was trapped like a bird. Like a Raven.
"Oh my Raven~" The girl heard a sickly sweet voice. The voice she loved before but had come to loathe. The voice belongs to a person she now loathed. Yes, it was Shizuka Hio.
The same Shizuka Hio who took her in 7 months ago. The same one who raised her up but only for 6 months. The same one who now treated her worst than livestock for the past month. The same one who build her up just to break her again.
"S-Shizuka H-Hio." Kira said, her voice was low but filled with venom.
"My~ My~ what's with the hatred, my cute little Raven." Shizuka asked. Then a smile  lifted her face. "Don't tell me you hate me because I kept you in this cage. I mean, you look so beautiful in it. You see, I even painted several paintings of you like this for me to admire."
Shizuka sighed. She opened the cage and went in. She sat down and took Kira's supposedly immobile state on her lap and smiled down at her like a doting mother. She caressed her bruised cheek.
She feigned a sad look on her face and said solemnly, "Oh my, look at what they have done to you." Her smile then became dangerous. "True monsters, aren't they?"
She took out a gold plated dagger from one of her kimono's sleeve and pressed it near Kira's cheek drawing blood. "But you couldn't blame them, now could you?" She moved the dagger down slowly. "Who told you to find out about me being a vampire, Raven?"
"Y-You mons-monster." Kira said.
Shizuka smiled. "Now, Raven, that's a rude thing to say."
Kira's took the held the dagger with one of her skinny hands. Her eyes glowing like a predator at night with a smile on her face. "Shizuka, you know, I get a strong sense of deja vu from this."
Shizuka's eyes widened seeing the sudden change, she tried to move the dagger but seems like the Raven had more strength left than she thought. A sudden sense of fear and foreboding took over her.
"The last person that hit me with betrayal this hard was someone I vowed to end with my own two hands. But now it seems like you're next on my list." Kira said, slapping Shizuka's hands away. "So, you better wait for me, ne?"
Suddenly the door burst open, came in around a dozen of men. "Shizuka Hio, surrender to us now!" Said a blonde man leading them.
Kira's eyes widened seeing the man. "U-Uncle C-Cross?"
Kaien's eyes fell upon the girl, shook was clear on his face. "Kira!" He shouted. This was the last place he expected her to be in.
He looked at the men and said, "Don't fire."
"Shizuka, hand over Kira, now!", Kaien was anxious. He saw Kira's horrifying state and tried to be calm.
"Oh yeah, and what if I don't?" Shizuka asked.
"Hand me the gun." Kaien said. He took the gun from one of his comrades and went forward. Shizuka slightly stiffened upon seeing Kaien approaching.
She put her hands around Kira as if a mother trying to protect her child from the lurking dangers.
"Hand her over now, Shizuka." Kaien said growing more and more frustrated.
"No, I won't hand my Raven to you." Shizuka said.
Kaien didn't say anything further and shot at her leg, far way from Kira, with the anti-vampire gun in the hands. Shizuka let out a cry of agony. She let go of Kira
"Why you filthy mortal!" Shizuka glowered at him.
Kaien had already taken Kira in his arms. Kira was already unconscious, probably due to the blood loss.
Kaien looked at his fellow vampire hunters and said, "Take care of the things here, while I'll take care of Klaus' daughter."
The hunters were shocked momentarily, discovering that this kid was a relative of their deceased one of the best hunters. But nonetheless, followed Kaien's orders and captured Shizuka.
Kaien's eyes soften upon seeing the unconscious Kira.
"Finally I found you. Don't worry, you're safe now."
Yo readers!
So let me make things clear. Kira is currently 5 years old. She left the Inferno and ended up at Shizuka's house, which was 7 months ago.
Kira found out about Shizuka being a vampire, 1 month ago,  and that women was pissed off due to this. I know it's a really silly reason for torturing, but it's Shizuka Hio. So, Kira stayed with Shizuka, oblivious to the fact that she was a vampire, for 6 months. Shizuka started torturing Kira in the last month.
Keep reading to see more of Kira and the beginning of her friendship with Yuki and Zero.

Yours truly, Nemesis018

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Yours truly,

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