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My silver colored dress falls just above my knees, shimmering slightly in the light of the kitchen. Nibbling on a stick of pocky I stand there waiting for Jordan. Finally he walks in, a smile on his face. I notice how he'd trimmed his hair and beard,how his eyes were shinning brightly as he walks over to me, and how nice he looked in the dress clothes he was wearing.

"You know we're going out to eat.", he teases. I just playfully roll my eyes as he grins wrapping his arms around me.

"I know but I got hungry, so I'm eating a snack.", I giggle picking up another Pocky stick. Jordan leans over taking a bite of the opposite end as I take a bite. I shake my head as he take it from me, eating the rest.

"That was mine."

"Now it's mine.", he chuckles pecking my lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck I look Jordan in the eyes, as he sways slightly.

"We should go.", I state. Jordan nods, releasing his hold on my waist, taking my hand instead. We walk out of the house and run toward the car together, me teetering on my heels slightly. Jordan helps me out, opening the car door for me.

"My lady.", he says winking. Blushing slightly I get in, readjusting my dress so it doesn't rest too far up. Jordan gets in the drivers side, bucking his seat belt before starting the car. Resting a hand on the console, I leave it up hopeful that he'll take my hand. Soon enough he does, intertwining our fingers while the other hand rests on the steering wheel firmly.

"How was your day?", he asks breaking the silence. I bite my lip debating on going into full detail about how there was a snotty nurse that ruined my entire day with every little thing she did, instead I decide that there wasn't any need for that.

"It's better now, yours", I state. Jordan smiles, his eyes not leaving the road.

"The guys were awful mischievous but again it's better now.", Jordan says glancing at me in the corner of his eye. I grin and squeeze his hand, as he focuses on driving.

"What type of music?", I ask softly.

"Whatever you want beautiful."

Blushing I reach over with my free hand, finding a radio station playing something familiar to me. Jordan hums along, knowing the song as well. I mouth the words looking at the window of the car watching the scenery pass before looking back at Jordan who was still humming.

"I love you Holly.", Jordan says out of the blue as we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. I wait a moment for him to park the car before replying.

"I love you too.", I reply leaning over to kiss his cheek. Jordan smiles and gets out running around the car to open my car door. I get out and fix my dress trying to make it how I desired again. Jordan playfully rolls his eyes grabbing my hands and holding them up gently.

"You look beautiful, stop fussing.", he states shortly before kissing my forehead and leading me inside to our reserved table.


Crickets chirp outside, as the moon hangs in the dark sky. Meanwhile I stand at the screen door, waiting for Jordan to show up. As I stand there I start to evaluate the situation. He was now ten, no wait fifteen minutes late and hadn't called once. Sighing I go to the couch, plopping down on the brown suede material, running my fingers across it.

Drawing shapes on it, I wait quietly expecting him to show up soon. I mean I was his long time girlfriend, he couldn't have forgotten. Then again I was probably the very last thing on his mind, I always seemed to be as of lately. The sound of my phone vibrating pulls me out of the thoughts Id begun sinking into.

From: Jordan <3

I'll be there in about fifteen minutes, recording ran late

Sighing I look at the dress I was wearing. It was Jordans favorite one on me, it was silver and shimmered in the light but now would be classified as over dressed for this date. Getting up I head back to the bedroom, peeling off the dress and trading it in for a pair of jeans and a nice sweater. Putting the dress back on its hanger, I look at it longingly wanting to wear it, wanting to impress Jordan for once.

Shaking my head, I hang it up before slipping on a pair of vans and tying up the laces. I then proceed back to the suede couch. I begin to draw shapes again, then trace out our initials and draw a large heart around them. The in the blink of an eye I wipe them away tears forming in my eyes.

Quickly I wipe them away as the screen door opens. Jordan stands there a small smile on his lips.

"Ready?", he asks, getting out his vibrating phone. I nod as he becomes occupied by it. Heading out to the car, Jordan follows going straight to his side, not bothering to open my car door. Sighing under my breath I get on, putting on a sad smile.

Jordan doesn't notice though, only sticks the keys in the ignition starting the car. I rest my head on my hand, eyes focused out the car window as I try not to focus on Jordans lack of caring. Taking a deep breath I finally get the nerve to talk, ready to confront him about it.

"How was your day?", I blurt out instead, completely backing down. Jordan bites his lip in thought for a moment as if unsure what to say.

"It was good.", he says before continuing to go on about the guys and all the wonderful things they'd done and how much he had recorded. After what seems like forever of his babbling he finally goes silent.

"How was your day?", he asks, glancing at me as we reach a stoplight. I shrug, not really wanting to speak. Jordan reaches over and takes my hand in his, rubbing small circles with his thumb, an action that somewhat gives me hope.

"It was okay.", I breath out, a small smile crossing my lips. Jordan nods obviously satisfied with my answer, not doubting that I could be lying.

"Just remember tomorrow will be better.", he says. I just nod in response not really believing that especially if he was going to continue to act this distant. The drive continues in silence neither of us even attempting to make conversation.

After a while Jordan releases my hand reaching to turn the radio up. The sound of music fills the silence but doesn't help the sad feeling that lingers. The unfamiliar music continues to play while I lean my head against the glass, watching as the scenery passes by.

Once we get to the diner, Jordan gets out and stands in front of the car waiting for me. I get out following him inside, a small gap remaining between us as we are greeted by the waitress of the small diner instead of the original restaurant with our reserved table as we were too late and undressed. Slowly we make our way to our table for a dinner filled with awkward conversation and a sadness that seems to linger from me

Aye look at that, I procrastinated all day but still finished in good time.
Also if you haven't heard the song Irrelevant by Lauren Aquilina (it's the song this is based off) you need to as it is the most beautifully heartbreaking song I've probably ever heard. All of her music really good and you should definitely check it out.

Im going to attempt to start a new drawing but most likely get distracted by the Skype chat and the creatures so yeahhh xx

Irrelevant ≫KootraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora