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"Jordan?", I ask my voice echoing through the house. I slowly make my way through the maze of room trying to find Jordan. Slowly the idea that he left creeps into my mind until I hear a scraping sound. A small smile forms on my lips as I make my way into the kitchen.

Jordan stands there in a plain shirt paired with a pair of flannel pajama pants attempting to scrap a burnt pancake out of the bottom of a pan. I giggle and he looks over at me an embarrassed look on his face.

"Need some help?", I ask. Jordan nods and I walk over trying to ignore the how cold the tile was under my bare feet as I carefully take the pan from him. He steps out of the way letting me take his place in front of the stove.

After finally getting the burnt pancake batter out I pour fresh batter in. As I wait for it to cook, Jordan's arms slip around my waist. He nuzzles his face against the crook of my neck peppering little kisses there. I giggle flipping the pancake.

"You're cute you know that.", I state turning to face him.

"You're cuter.", he chuckles pecking my lips. He draws me closer resting his forehead against mine. Our lips meet a sweet kiss, my arms resting around his neck. We break the kiss both of us jumping apart at the sound of the smoke alarm.

"Dern it.", Jordan states rushing to pull the now burnt and smoking pancake off the stove top. I run to turn the smoke alarm off, quickly hitting the button. I sigh as it stops the obnoxious beeping then return to Jordan. I can't help but laugh at the helpless look on his face as he holds up the black pancake that was stuck in the bottom of he pan.

"Leave it on the stove, I'll soak it after work.", I say not feeling like messing with it. Jordan smiles and nods his arms encircling me again. I wrap my arms around his torso, hiding my face in his chest.

"I love you Holly."

"I love you too Jordan.", I state softly. I kiss him again as he pulls me up against him gently.

"We better get to work.", he mumbles against my lips.

"Work can wait, just one more kiss.",I plead and Jordan nods then kisses me again, my hands thread through his hair as he holds me close.


I let out a small groan as I sit up running my fingers through my hair. Anticipating the spot next to me to be empty, I look over to see indeed it is. Sighing I get up, throwing the covers off. Slowly I make my way through the house into the kitchen where I hope to see Jordan standing in the kitchen.

Instead I find a barren kitchen, no sign of anyone even being in there. I make my way over to the cabinet finding a package of bagels and putting one in the toaster. I lean against the counter waiting, shivering at how frigid the house was. Soon a nagging longing to have Jordan wrap his arms around me comes, then again he wouldn't. Jordan has probably already headed off to work not bothering to let me know he was leaving, the thought of telling me probably didn't occur to him. Then again that seemed to be a typical thing for him.

The bagel popping out of the toaster frightens me. I reach over grabbing it, cursing slightly at how hot it was. Taking a seat on the pristine counters I nibble on my bagel and imagine if Jordan saw me right now. First he'd call me beautiful, then tell me to get off the counter and afterword probably steal a bite.

I look at the white tiled floor suddenly upset with myself for thinking like that when knowing fully well it wouldn't happen. Jordan doesn't seem to care or even bother to remember my existence some days. Maybe I was just too clingy, I wouldn't doubt that.

Sighing I finish he bagel heading into our bedroom going over to the closet. Immediately I look at my side and find a shirt. I glance at Jordans side and debate grabbing one of his instead as. It was a casual day then decide that it might lead from an interrogation when Jordan got off work. I close the closet doors and continue to get ready for a long day of work, thoughts of Jordan still follow me.

This will be a now and then type thing as I think it's how I can do it justice
Sorry it's a bit short, idk how long these all will be cx
Ily guys :)

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