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"Come on, the guys are going to start the party with out us!", I yell as Jordan fumbles with his tie meanwhile running down hallway. I laugh and reach up carefully straightening his tie then pecking his lips.

"You look good.", I complement him. Jordan blushes a little kissing my cheek.

"You look amazing.", he states intertwining our fingers. We head for the door, Jordan walking at alittle faster pace than normal while I was practically being drug behind him, teetering on my heels. Jordan laughs at my look of concentration as I slowly hobble down the stairs. Finally he wraps my arm around his neck, and his arm tightly around my waist so he could hold me up on the way to the car.

"Why in the world did you wear those?", he chuckles opening the passenger side door for me. I shrug nonchalantly trying to give off the impression I had just done it, then go to get in. Jordan catches my wrist, stopping me from moving any further.

"You did not have to wear those for me.", he says. I blush knowing fully well I'd been caught. Then again I should have expected it; I never got away with anything, Jordan knew me too well for me to.

"Who said I did?", I taunt.

"Stop denying it."

"Fine maybe I did, but don't flatter yourself. Cocky isn't cute dear.", I giggle. Jordan laughs and shakes his head kissing my cheek.

"Sorry I can't help it.", he says helping me get in the car. I laugh as he shuts my car door, running around to get in the passenger side.

"I can't believe you're wearing that hat.", I say looking at his bright red cardinals hat.

"I can't believe you're wearing those heels.", he replies glancing at me.

"Touché.", I state, intertwining our fingers over the console as Jordan starts the car and backs out of the drive way.


Upon walking into the office you'd think nothing special was happening honestly. With further inspection though you'd realize the silver and gold balloons in the corner, or the table that held a few stacks of plastic cups and the copious bottles of alcohol. The guys themselves were all abnormally quiet as they sipped their drinks and made small talk with their girlfriends or each other. Then again this wasn't supposed to be a huge blowout or anything, just a small party meant for all of the creatures and loved ones of them.

Each year though the time seems to pass quicker. The glasses seem to empty at faster rates and soon enough we're all counting down until midnight or at least that's how the others saw it. It seemed slow to me as if we weren't in any rush and it was nice.

Jordan lead me around talking to the others, and sneaking kisses as if they wouldn't notice. Usually he'd get caught and be called out by James or sometimes Aleks. Each time it'd pull a giggle from me and cause Jordans cheeks to become a bright pinkish red color. The whole time I do manage to refrain from drinking any alcohol deciding to just savor and enjoy every moment of being with the others.

Soon enough James is shouting the countdown to midnight over everyone talking. Starting at ten he begins counting down, getting everyone's attention in seconds. A small smile is plastered on my face as Jordan hooks his arm around me, pulling me flush against him. I giggle as he looks at me. As James hits zero, Jordans lips meet mine and it feels as if it's only us, and at that moment I decide that Jordan might just be the one.


Looking around me, I'm absolutely dumbfounded by the amount of people here this year. The small and quaint office party had evolved into something large and rather spectacular yet overwhelming. Unfamiliar faces of the other guys friend circle around me while I stand there alone feeling vulnerable. Jordan had been separated from me at the beginning and wasn't making any attempt to look for me as he was talking to Dan and Liz.

For a while Id talked to Ash and Domi but they were both swept away by their boyfriends. Shifting nervously I attempt to look okay even though I was far from it. Glancing around the room again I spot the table that was overflowing with different beverages. Biting my lip, I head over to it, taking account of what all was there.

Finally I decide on a glass of fruit punch that by the smell was spiked with some sort of alcohol. Taking a sip I decide it wasn't half bad. Returning to my corner, I sear myself in a chair. I continue to keep to myself while drinking the punch not understanding anything.

I notice Jordans eyes sweeping the room and sink down in my chair. Why bother trying, he wasn't looking for you, my mind taunts. Frowning I take another sip of my drink and debate getting something that'd numb the pain faster. As I continue to take sip after sip I begin to wonder when things came to be all about Jordan instead of about me, when did my life become this?

"Holly?", Aleks bemused voice comes from above me. I raise my eyes from the floor, snapping out of the thoughts.

"Yeah?", I asks confused as to why he was talking to me.

"Are you drinking?", he questions sounding rather amused. I nod and take another gulp, feeling a little satisfaction with the burning sensation in my throat.

"Yeah why?"

"Why aren't you with Jordan?", he inquires.

"He ditched me.", I shrugs knowing he wouldn't believe it anyway. Aleks emits a sigh before grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I furrow my eyebrows as he guides me through the mass of people that were all awkwardly crammed into the central part of the office.

"Jordan, I found Holly." , Aleks calls and it dawns on me that he's taking me to Jordan. I squirm trying to loosen his grip or even get him to let go, fully ready to use "I need another drink" as my excuse. Jordan sees me and his eyes light up a bit but at this point that doesn't matter to me. I don't feel that same flutter in my heart, now I'm just annoyed.

"Oh thanks Aleks, I've been looking for you babe.", Jordan states. I put on a fake smile, even though I know he's lying. I watched him and never did he once attempt to look for me. Aleks disappears, causing me to lose all hope in tonight even being the slightest bit fun. Jordan jumps right back into conversation after giving my cup a skeptical look, and I might as well not even be here.

After I while I reach a level of boredom previously unknown to me. I get my phone out of my clutch glad when I don't draw any attention to myself while doing so. Clicking the home screen on, I notice there around five minutes until midnight. A tiny ounce of hope fills me as I look up at Jordan who's still occupied by his conversation. Then as James calls out the countdown I realize Jordans not paying the slightest bit of attention.

So instead of letting Jordan get away with avoiding me, when James says zero I grab his tie and kiss him. Once we pull a way, Jordan looks at me a little shocked yet a smile rests on his lips and I can't help but wonder if I had been forgotten until I kissed him.

Happy new year, have some sadness.
Also thanks to Mandi for the idea for this chapter, love you <3
I don't have much to say....
My dad won't text back so apparently even my dads too cool for me...
Bye xx

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