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Jordan was leaned up against me, head resting on my shoulder as we listened to Aleks yelling in his office. I'd come to see him for my lunch break and so far we hadn't made it out of the office to find a place to eat, only sat there with our fingers intertwined listening as Aleks recorded and the other guys laughed in the other room as they ate.

"We should go.", I say checking the time on my phone.

"I don't want to get up.", Jordan says resting his head in my lap and curling up in a ball. I giggle at how childish he seemed but loved the way he nuzzled up against my leg almost like a cat.

"I have to go back to work in a bit, and we haven't eaten lunch.", I state stroking his cheek.

"Fine, just for you babe.", Jordan replies as he gets up. Jordan stretches, lifting his arms above his head his shirt coming up just a bit to reveal some of his torso. I giggle and readjust his shirt then lace our fingers together. We make our way out of the office ignoring the guys teasing comments about Jordan being whipped.

We both load into the car, me driving while Jordan fiddles with the radio dial. I smile as I back out of the parking lot, Jordan's hand resting on my thigh and rubbing small circle as I drive.

Getting out of the car Jordan and I walk into a random fast food restaurant, hand in hand. We quickly order then find a place to sit in the crowded restaurant.

"How's work?", Jordan asks as he sips on his soda.

"Okay, really busy.", I sigh.

"I'm sorry babe.", Jordan says looking at me a little upset.

"It'll be okay. How's work for you?"

"Good just recording and editing as usual.", he states. I nod jumping just a little as he slips his hand into mine under the table. I smile our food comes and we begin to scarf down our food, obviously both starved. The small talk continues as we eat neither of us trying to rush, just too hungry not to

After eating I drive Jordan back to the office, walking him all the way back to his office. Just outside Jordan hugs me tightly, and I glad return the hug, wrapping my arms tightly around him. Jordan kisses my forehead, letting his lips linger just a bit longer than normal.

"Try and have a good rest of the day."

"You too.", I say softly. Jordan nods then kisses me softly. The kiss ends abruptly by the sound of James yelling no pda in the office and to do that on our on time. I giggle and head toward the door waving to Jordan as I go.

"I love you!", Jordan calls after me.

"I love you too Jordan!", I call back, a smile resting on my lips as I head back to my car.


"Jordan I brought you lunch!", I cheer. We'd worked out the rough patch after our fight but Jordans caring only last the night. It had begun slowly progressing to the point where he didn't care again but I was still fighting to make the best of it.

"He's recording.", James sighs. My face falls as I had told him I'd bring him some lunch at this exact time.

"I told him I'd bring him lunch.", I grumble.

"He probably just didn't know what time.", James states trying to cover for him. I shake my head because he knew what time. I always come at the exact same time, he'd purposely done it.

"He did, just you have it James.", I say holding the bag out toward him. James looks at me confused, but I just stretch my arm out a little closer to him tired of being here and tired of how Jordan treated me.

"You could go knock on his door.", James suggests.

"No, I have to go back to work.", I sigh.

"I'll give it to him.", James says taking the bag from me. I debate the words I was about to let out then before I can stop them, they leave my mouth anyway.

"You eat it, he doesn't care anyway.", I say. James neutral expression turns to shock but I stay still knowing it was true. James arms wrap around me and I stand still just wanting to leave.

"That's not true Holly."

"It is James."

"What has he done to you? You were so happy, what happened?", James inquires trying to be helpful, but really making me feel worse.

"He hasn't done anything, I've done it to myself.", I sigh. It was true, I feel deeply in love with someone who wasn't as interested as I was. I only had myself to blame.

"That's not true, just let me help.", James says desperately.

I have to back to work, have fun today and enjoy Jordans lunch.", I say before pushing my way out of his arms. I walk toward the door completely upset with both Jordan for acting the way he did and myself for saying those things no matter how he acted.

Then again I was at my breaking point and done with it.

The rest of the work day went slow, and I distracted myself by going to Stella's and staying away from Jordan that evening the best I could not ready to deal with his carelessness nor his questions about lunch as James most likely told him. Then again even once I got home Jordan didn't mention it and I wasn't about to bring it up.

I've rlly bad writers block for everything.
I also have 0 motivation so go me.
Being at my dads just drains me of all happiness, I swear it's like prison.

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