Chapter 10

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*this is when Mimic is fighting the Mafia*

"Where are the captives?" Dazai asked, giving the Black Lizard chief a glare.

"W-well sir, we had them all of them got out of control and began attacking us..."

"So I decided to take care of it," Akutagawa interrupted, walking into the room.

Dazai didn't turn around to look at him as Akutagawa stood behind him.

"Is there a problem?" Akutagawa asked, breaking the silence.

Dazai turned around and gave him a blank stare, before his lips turned into a smirk.

"No. Nothing at all. You did what any Mafia member would do and protected our comrades from our captured captives. Now we won't be able to get any information, thanks to you," Dazai explained.

"Information? Tch. As if I'll-"


Akutagawa's statement was cut short as Dazai punched him hard in the chest, sending him flying backwards. Akutagawa quickly landed on his feet and coughed up blood.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I'm not going to take excuses from you, Akutagawa. Once again, you have proven my point that your ability is useless. All you do with it is kill, and you never think before using it,"

Dazai walked over to Akutagawa and pulled his gun out again.

This is just like training...use your shield again...

"This time, find out a way not to use your shield again," Dazai said calmly, interrupting his thoughts.


"Wait, what are you-"

Akutagawa quickly dodged the three shots right before they hit him and looked up in horror at Dazai, who had a grim expression on his face. His whole face was dark, besides his eyes, which glowed eerily in the dimly lit room.

"See? You must be able to fight without depending on your ability all the time, or your enemy will defeat you 9 times out of 10. But..."

Dazai grabbed Akutagawa hard by the neck, and Akutagawa struggled to breathe. He gave Akutagawa a death glare and whispered quietly.

"The next time you mess up, I'll punch you twice and shoot you five times. Got it?"

Dazai let go of Akutagawa and he fell onto his knees, nodding slowly, looking down at the ground.

I'll train all night again. One day, I'll defeat Dazai in training, show him I don't need my ability in battle! He'll never punch me or shoot me again.

But Akutagawa never had to think about that happening ever again. He didn't have to think about anything again. He finally let go of his will to live, and succumbed to the darkness once more.

Wait, where is Dazai-san going?

Because Dazai left the Mafia a couple days later. 

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