Chapter 5:

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"Oi, wake up!" the headmaster screamed from outside the door.

Atsushi and Akutagawa woke up only to immediately scooch away from each other, extremely red from how close they were.

"H-hey why'd you come so close last night!?" Atsushi stammered, covering his blushing face.

"W-what!? NO! You're the one who came close!" Akutagawa retorted in embarrassment.

They stared at each other silently, both extremely flustered until Gin broke the silence and came in.

"Guys, we should start working! The headmaster will get mad..." she said nervously, leaving quickly. They both sighed, relieved she didn't question why Atsushi was in Akutagawa's room.


Atsushi and Akutagawa were busy throwing out the headmaster's booze as he instructed when they heard the headmaster and another man talking in the main hall.

"So, did you tell them yet?" the headmaster's concerned voice was heard.

"Yes, the Mafia is notified of two children with very dangerous abilities in your orphanage. One

was rumored to have the ability to transform into a tiger,"

"And the other?"

"Well...we're not very sure of it yet...but we can confirm that there are definitely two of them,"

"Alright...I'll be sure to get rid of them. I will find that tiger...and I will kill them..." the headmaster chuckled. Atsushi and Akutagawa quickly crept away from the room and crept upstairs and sat against a wall. Akutagawa looked down and tightly wrapped the black coat over him.

Could my Rashomon jacket be the second gift...?

"Wow, I can't believe there are gifted kids in this orphanage!" Akutagawa said aloud. Atsushi didn't respond. Akutagawa looked over to Atsushi and his face had gone completely white and he was sweating.

"Atsushi, are you alright?" Akutagawa asked, concerned. Atsushi was breathing heavily and his eyes were wide open. He fell onto his knees and was trembling, a terrified expression all over his face.


Atsushi's eyes went up and he collapsed onto the floor, now more white than ever.

"Atsushi! ATSUSHI!"

No response.


Atsushi cracked his eyes slightly open and found himself in Akutagawa's bed. Akutagawa was watching over him, looking extremely anxious.

"W-what happened...?" Atsushi stammered, sitting up in the bed.

"You fainted around an hour ago. Last time you were awake, you were extremely white and panicky. Are you okay?"

Atsushi looked down for a moment and then asked, "What happened right before that...?"

"Remember? We heard the headmaster talking about a gifted person with a tiger ability?"

Atsushi's eyes widened again and he looked down at his own hands, moving the fingers around a bit.

"Are you okay? You seem a" Akutagawa asked, concerned. Atsushi looked up at him and gave him a nervous smile.

"O-oh! Don't worry, I'm fine! It's really nothing. I don't know what came over me! I think I just need some rest," he insisted.

"Alright..." Akutagawa muttered, leaving the room as Atsushi lay down again.

Atsushi, now alone in the room, tried to keep his breathing in check, his heart racing with every rise his chest took.

They...they won't find me, right? How can they? 

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