Chapter 12:

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"Oi, Akutagawa, Mori-san sent me to tell you to meet him in his office. I suggest you make your way there as quickly as possible," Chuuya called out to Akutagawa, who wrapped his wrist in a small cast.

"Alright, I'll be there. Thank you," Akutagawa said, bowing slightly in respect.

After a couple minutes, Akutagawa made his way to the front doors of Mori's office. Most of the members described the office as dark, or creepy, and they were often extremely nervous whenever they had to meet him. However, Akutagawa never felt that. He really didn't know what to feel ever since...

"You may come in, Akutagawa-kun," Mori's low and smooth voice sounded from inside.

Akutagawa immediately snapped back to reality and made his way in.

"I've asked for you to come here today because I have another mission for you," Mori said, getting straight to the point. "You are aware of the Armed Detective Agency, yes?"

"Yes, I'm aware. The Agency is one of the Mafia's worst enemies," Akutagawa replied.

"Well, we've been informed that a new member has recently joined the Agency. He's believed to have the ability to transform into a tiger,"

Akutagawa felt his eyes widen for a moment and he felt himself sweating very slightly. He looked down, deep in thought.

The ability to turn into a tiger....? That's weird....why does that seem familiar....?

Akutagawa quickly brushed away the thought and paid attention to Mori.

"I want you to find that tiger and bring it back to me, alive," Mori continued.

"Why exactly are we focused on this tiger?" Akutagawa questioned.

"Well, there is an organization from North America, known as the Guild. They've requested that we bring the tiger for them and in return we would get 7 billion yen,"

"That is a big number," Akutagawa commented, although no interest could be seen in his eyes.

"So, once again, I request that you bring the tiger back with you,"

Akutagawa looked down for a moment and asked, "Do you have any personal information about him?"

"Well, he is 18 years old and was apparently an orphan his whole life. When the Agency took him in, I believe Dazai-kun became his mentor,"

Akutagawa froze at those words. He felt his eyes go extremely wide and his heart was beating fast.

I....I was a fucking tiger?!?!

No...Akutagawa couldn't allow this. The only one who had ever opened up to him, the only one who helped him, the one who gave him a reason to live...had abandoned him. He left Akutagawa without a word, and the very next day, found a subordinate and moved on. Like Akutagawa didn't matter even a little bit.

Am I really that weak...?

"No..." Akutagawa said aloud, clenching his hand into a fist, and looking up at Mori.

"I'll complete the mission," Akutagawa said, rage visible in his eyes. Mori looked back at him and smiled.

"Excellent. You should start as soon as you can,"

Akutagawa nodded and got up from the chair he sat in, making his way to the door.

"I await good news on your return," Mori called.

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