Chapter 8:

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"Akutagawa, welcome to the Port Mafia!" Dazai said cheerfully, entering the large building in front of him.

"Dazai-san, how was your mission?" a guard asked, quickly approaching him.

"It went well, but I need a favor. Bring these two children a change of clothes and food right away," Dazai instructed, giving him an eerie look.

"Y-yes sir!" the man quickly stammered, exiting the room they were in. Akutagawa looked up at Dazai and he looked back, chuckling slightly.

"These people must respect do you make them do that?" Akutagawa remarked, remembering how menacing the military soldiers were.

"Well, I have my ways. But it takes a brave individual with physical strength and a strong mind in order not to get pushed around," Dazai replied, looking down at him.

Those words...

"Akutagawa and Gin...I have a choice for you to make..." Dazai said after a moment of silence. Akutagawa and Gin looked up.

"You want a reason to keep living. A strength to hold onto. Something that encourages you to keep fighting. Well, here at the Mafia, we have all come from hell...we've been through unimaginable things...but we conquered them to get to where we are today..."

Akutagawa felt his eyes widen. Was he not the only one who had been through so much suffering?

"So...I'll give you an option. Our organization has a large treasury, so we can easily give you enough money to never have to deal with poverty again. can join us,"


"When the world is cruel and hurtful...that's when you push back and rebel. I can take you in as my subordinate and train you. I saw you and your sister fighting my men and you have potential. You just need practice. But with time, you can become powerful. You'll be stronger than you ever imagined. And no one will ever hurt you or your sister ever again..."

Akutagawa looked up in shock. The Mafia was a powerful organization. A criminal organization! Was he really cut out for a life of bloodshed? Was this really the only method of salvation?

"I'll join,"


Gin stepped forward, a determined expression on her face. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and a knife was gripped tightly in her hand.

"I've been through enough suffering. I can't face this any longer. For the first time in my life, I aspire to be something. So I will fight...even if it means I have to bring out the darkest side of me..." Gin said. Akutagawa looked at her face and there was a glimmer of bravery in her eyes. Like she was no longer afraid of anything. Dazai smiled at this.

"Excellent. I have several colleagues who can train you to be a skilled assassin...what about you, Akutagawa?"

Akutagawa looked down.

What if...this is a second chance? A chance to leave my old life...? To forget about who I once was, to abandon my weakness, to fight my fears? A chance to become a brave man? A reason to keep living....

Akutagawa felt his lips stretch into a smirk and looked back up at Dazai. "Alright," he said softly.

I don't have to be afraid anymore...if I embrace the darkness....

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