The conversation was light, the boys getting to know Toni. She fit in with them well, as Cheryl hoped she would. The girl was still Toni, and that personality shined through around the boys.

The food came and Sweet Pea instantly regretted his choice, "Man, I should have gotten fries. Maybe he can put another order in." He moved to call Pop over, but Toni stopped him.

"You can have a few of mine," the girl said, shrugging.

"Hey, thanks, Tiny," he said.

"Tiny?" the blonde quirked her brow.

"I mean... yeah," Sweet Pea laughed as he reached over to snatch one of her fries. "You're incy."

"Look, you can't call people tiny just because you're a fucking giant," she retorted.

"Oh my God," Cheryl groaned, ashamed the conversation had gone downhill so fast.

"I think I can," the taller boy said with a smirk.

Toni squinted her eyes, sizing the boy up, before bursting out in laughter. "Alright giant boy, no more fries for you then."

"What?" he whined.

Fangs laughed and turned to Toni, "Oh thee of appropriate height, may I have a fry?"

"You may," Toni smiled. "Politeness will get you anywhere."

"Fine," Sweet Pea huffed. "I'll just steal Goose's."

"Whose?" Toni asked, clearly amused. She looked at Cheryl incredulously.

"Nevermind," the redhead brushed it off. The last thing Cheryl wanted was Toni calling her that.

"Goose is embarrassed," Sweet Pea added as he took one of Cheryl's fries, tossing it into his mouth.

"First off," Cheryl started, "I am not a Goose. Second of all, shut up."

"Hey, it's cute," Toni said, bumping their shoulders together. "You've got some good friends... even if the one is a little tall for my taste."

"Are you guys going to eat or not?" Jughead asked, reminding everyone there was an assortment of food before them.

After most of the food was eaten, Toni excused herself. "I'll be right back," she said as she got up and walked away in the direction of the restroom.

"So," Sweet Pea said as he reached across the table to steal one of Cheryl's fries, dunking it into his ketchup, "now that you're good with Miss Northside, can you see if she can put in a word for me with Veronica?"

"Sorry, Peabrain, I'm not asking Toni to do your dirty work," Cheryl scoffed. "Things are finally good for us. I'm not risking it for your libido."

The boy whined. "Come on, Red. Please?"

"Don't bother dude," Fangs said. He reached across the table to steal some of Cheryl's fries. "Pretty sure she's with Josie anyways. Lead singer of the Pussycats and one of the hottest girls in school? You don't have game as it is, and you think you can compete with that?"

"Cheryl?" Sweet Pea turned back to the redhead, despair in his eyes.

"I can honestly say, I know nothing about that," she answered. "But even if I did, I wouldn't be getting involved. Leave me out of this."

"Hey," Toni said as she reappeared, standing next to the table. "You want to get out of here?"

"Please," Cheryl smiled warmly.


Toni drove them to her house on her Kawasaki. Her parents were gone for the evening, attending Violet's dance recital, so the girls would have some guaranteed privacy, a point Toni stressed earlier in the day when they made their plans for the night.

now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?Where stories live. Discover now