As the last flower absorbs the refreshing liquid, my feet retreat onto the patio. Since the water stay cooler in the shade, I leave the can under the awning. My eyes search for the gardening tools. The basket hid beneath some shelves I'm working on, and I quickly head over towards the bare soil.

I'm thankful I decided on shorts today instead of a dress.

Rolling up my sleeves, I start digging the holes and planting the bulbs. The work is consuming on the thoughts, and very repetitive. Speeding up wasn't in my vocabulary at the moment. This was my relaxation time and freedom, as much as I can possibly get without flying. My wings twitch at the cold air suddenly sending a chill down my spine.

The bulbs are planted and I'm ready to stand when a heart stopping voice announces themselves, "It seems like every time we meet, you're on your knees. I wonder why that is." His deep chuckle sends goosebumps over my skin.

Immediately, I turn around. There, standing in all his glory, is Prince Caspian. His smile is bright as the sun and those wings blind me from their glorious beauty. At the sight of him, I could literally fall apart. My heart calls to him as the flowers soak in the sun.

Oh, he looks so handsome today! I love the way he's styled his hair, very confident with the quiff. I note to myself. If only he wore that crown... I smile at the thought.

Prince Caspian clears his throat as he walks towards me. He lends me a hand, and I hesitate on taking it. I blink wordlessly at him before swallowing. After a second, I raise my hand and place it into his. He firmly grasps my fingers and together I stand next to him.

A blush falls over my face at the proximity. I take a step back, but Prince Caspian jerks never forwards. My eyes widen and I land on his chest. His arms encompass me, and for a moment, everything's perfect. I can imagine myself being his bride, his wife. I can see the life we could have together; not perfect, but my kind of happiness. I can see all the pure, raw heart that we'd have for one another.

But it's not meant to be.

So, without lingering on his chest, I back away, yet he yanks me against him once again. "Prince Caspian," I gasp breathlessly, clearly astonished at his parade of affection.

When I look up, his eyes catch mine in an unblinking stare. I can't seem to look away from the frosty snowflakes. They way his arms were wrapped around my waist brought me comfort instead of excitement. This confused me.

     How am I so comfortable with him? My brows knit together.

     Within moments, I'm pushing him away from me and trying to compose myself. Then, I regret not being in his arms again.

Ugh, why do I have to have all these feelings for a perfect, taken specimen like him.. I whine to myself.

Prince Caspian bares a wide smile at me in return. His skin touches mine as Prince Caspian inspects my fingers. His hand softly caresses mine with tender emotion. "Have you made any crowns today?" He inquires softly. When those icy blue eyes blink back at me, my heart beat skips.

     "I, uh..." My throat closes up at the amount of air refusing to barrel through, "No, not today." I clear my throat in an attempt to breathe properly. Smashing a smile on my mouth, I take off my gardening gloves and nod.

     "But, if you're wanting another, I can certainly make one for you now?" I suggested with a raised brow.

     The prince smiles, and it reaches his eyes. I flinch when his knuckles brush against my flaming hair. He doesn't pause in his movements, only continues. I blink up at the prince, my heart pounding and my mind running wild. I couldn't think straight with his hands running through my hair, but Prince Caspian looks over my hair for the longest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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