Chapter Six ~ She

Start from the beginning

"I don't know, I never asked.... I'd assume she does considering her little outburst just now. Come to the table when you're ready, I'll be making breakfast" He said with a smile, then walked out of the room. Kei definitely noticed he'd avoided the answer, but still put on his glasses and got ready for the day. The practice game against Nekoma was today, the two didn't know if they were going to do their own spikes or not, but they definitely knew that Kozume had the advantage of knowing. He got to the table and sat down, smiling at Natsu as she waited for breakfast to be served.

"Natsu, when you're done eating go get dressed so we can go to the practice game. I already have your clothes pulled out" Shoyo told her as he sat down with the last of the food. They said they're thanks and then dug into the food, eating at a fast, but normal pace. Kei ate his food quietly, but definitely savored every bite of the delicious food Shoyo made.

"If you want I'll change in the bathroom" Kei told him, but Shoyo shrugged his shoulders as he chewed on some rice.

"I don't care where you change, you live here now. Please don't be afraid to make yourself comfortable!" Shoyo said with a smile. When everyone was finished with breakfast they all got dressed. Kei and Shoyo put on practice clothes, both had secretly glanced at each other's bodies the whole time though. Shoyo felt embarrassed that he'd snuggled up into such a toned chest, but it was even worse when he saw the flexing muscles in Kei's arms and back. His face was dark red at the sight and he ignored it to try and put on his own clothes. However Kei didn't bother hiding the fact that he looked, he had been facing Shoyo when he removed his clothes and Kei enjoyed seeing his chest. The blonde definitely had more feelings hidden away in himself, but for now he just admired how good Shoyo looked with toned arms, thighs, and back. Kei definitely needed to sit down with himself and talk about his sexuality a little.

"You ready to start calling me Tsukishima?" He asked the ginger as he finished getting ready and cleaned his sports glasses.

"As long as you can handle calling me Hinata, I almost messed up when I was on the phone with Kenma while I invited him over. Then I did mess up when you got back" He told the taller boy with a giggle. They stood in awkward silence for a few minutes before the shorter teen looked up at him.

"Can I hug you again....?" He asked, he was nervous for this game since they had a new tactic, but it definitely made him nervous enough to ask for a hug instead of rushing to the bathroom like normal. Kei chuckled and pulled him into his arms.

"You're helpless when it's a practice game, you're torture when it's a real one though" He told him jokingly as he held Shoyo close to him and held him tight. Shoyo didn't look at the situation like Kei did though. He was nervous over something else, he held onto Kei tighter because he needed to be held. Shoyo smiled happily as he hid his face into Kei's chest when the arms around him tightened. They sat like that for a minute before Natsu joined the hug.

"Family hug!" She shouted in excitement as she noticed the two holding each other close. The teens both chuckled and kneeled down to hug Natsu tight in their arms. They sat like there for a few seconds before splitting apart and putting on their shoes. Kei and Shoyo grabbed their practice bags. After Natsu was buckled in and cushioned her on either side with their belongings, they got in the front seats with Kei driving and they left the house for Karasuno High. The drive there was quiet, Natsu played on the DS that Kozume had gotten her for her birthday last year. While she was quiet and calm, Shoyo was a little more nervous, he was like this for every game whether it was practice or not. Kei took notice though and sighed.

"Hinata you need to relax, it'll be fine, it's just a practice game" He told him, glacing towards the ginger beside him.

"That's not what I'm nervous about.... But it'll be alright. I've done this before, just not with Natsu around" He said quietly, he was talking about how he was going to have to reject his ex boyfriend again. The last time it happened Kozume had to step in and he felt bad for it, he just hoped his ex wouldn't try anything because Kei was an important part of his life now and he didn't want him to leave.

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