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I boarded a train, heading home. Waking up to the odd things that women left me with, had me confused. She sounded like she new more about me then just my name. But I've never met her before, 'have I?'

Realizing I'd need to make several phone calls, I rummaged through my purse. 'Oh, the map and my note pad. Thank goodness I didn't lose it! Hopefully I can start where I left off.' I flipped through my notes, stoping on a random page.

I had jotted down notes on where to find the younger brothers memorial. But it was scratched out and I'd written a different location underneath it.

"Meow!" The faint purr from a cat echoed in the back of my mind. 'Huh?'

I self consciously I checked my surroundings, 'no cat..'


After a while, I was finally home.

'Geez, I thought they'd never let me out!'

I'd spent three days in the hospital. But it turned out that my amnesia covered a span of THREE MONTHS! Shock didn't even begin to describe my reaction to this news. My world had been turned upside down. I'd been questioned by the hospital staff, the police, my family, and my job. Come to find out there was even a missing persons file on me!

But in the end, there were no answers. I was healthy, and there was no signs of suspicious activity. So they said I was okay and sent me home..

Luckily my job still wanted me. They said they were just happy that I was all right.

Tomorrow, my life will be back on track.

'But tonight, I'm going to take a nice long bath and soak away all my troubles!'

As I let the tub fill, I grabbed a glass of wine. Noticing a copy of last years article on the Dragneel brothers, I was drawn to it. 'Wine, hot bath, and reading material? Why not?' I shrugged, grabbing the paper and made my way to relax.

I placed my clothes in the hamper and tested the water's temperature. It was nice and hot. I slowly submerged my body, steam rising up around me, I closed my eyes. "Meow!" Once again, the cry of a cat echoed in my mind.

'Ah, This has to be a side effect to being hit by lightning, or maybe amnesia.. right?'

To disturbed to relax now, I grab the article and take a drink of wine. 'Relax, just relax..' I glanced through the page's, when something suddenly caught my eye.

"In the year xxx, betrayed by Jellal, Natsu commuted suicide amidst the fiery wreckage, now known as the Magnolia incident. Though some scholars argue that Natsu may have survived. But no sources exist to support this theory."

'Natsu surviving? That's new, in every book I've ever read he- ...died.' A drop of water hit the page, warping the text. It was followed by another, and another.

'T-tears? But why?'

My eyes kept going back to that one line. "Natsu survived" again and again. My heart burned in my chest. I could barley breathe, I was so choked with sobs. In my tub, I bawled my eyes out, unable to tell why.


After what felt like an eternity of tears, (about and hour or so.. maybe 2?) my bath water was ice cold and I had begun to shiver. I let the water drain out, as I stood up, I noticed something odd in the mirror.

'What in the- teeth marks!?'

My shoulders were suspiciously spotted with little red places that resembled faded love bites. I ran my fingers across them, wondering if I had a fling while I was missing. But as I did-



The same hauntingly sound of a cat, plus the faint yell of a frantic male echoed in my mind. 'W-what the hell is going on!! Am I crazy now?'

400 yearsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ