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I jerked Loki's hand from my eyes, looking down revealed the blood spray leading my eyes to the dead man. Both Gray and Sting breathed Natsu's Name.

'He, he just-' I snapped out of my shock and stared at Natsu. He shook the blood off his sword and sheathed the weapon, though blood from his victim still stained him.

"Why, did you kill-'

"Lady Lucy, please-' Loki tried to catch my attention by tugging at my elbow. But in response I sent him a glare and turned back towards Natsu.

"Hey, Lucy, don't-"

"Oh, stop it, Sting!"

"Lucy, wait-"

I also flashed a glare at Gray, "He was begging for mercy! You could've talked this over!" But Natsu didn't answer, infact he just seemed annoyed. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"Lucy, is that all you want to know?"

I looked at Natsu emotionless, expressionless, my own emotions overflowing with confusion and anger. "Well, Yes!"

"I don't see any reason to. It's not your place to question my actions." He glared at me and I glared back. It was as if staring into a frozen ocean. You couldn't see anything past the cold and the dark.

"Your cold and cruel, Natsu!"


That night once we'd returned to Dragnof castle, I couldn't sleep. Thinking about how Natsu dismissed my world views like trash. 'How could I've forgotten, a man who enjoyed the title of Demon King. Teasing me like we were friends doesn't change this..' But honestly deep down somethings hoping there was something I missed.

That following morning, another war council was held. As a witness to the proceedings, I was informed I had to attend.

I sat in The back of the room, but Natsu appeared even further away. Sting went over the events at the inn, Then proceeded to tell that they were in fact the group that attempted the assassination attempt. Gray then went on advising it was in fact Larcade.

'Hmm, Larcade, That sounds- oooh no. I remember where I've heard that name!" It was the blonde creepy monk looking guy from the forest. 'I guess my instinct was spot on with that one.'

The warlords continued their meeting, it wasn't until they mentioned Natsu letting the other two assassins  go, that I actually focused on what was being said.

"I sent them back with a message."

'A message?' I questioned in my head the same time Wendy actually asked.

"Yes, 'A reckoning is coming."

I relaxed, hearing they lived. However my anger started back up thinking about Natsu's pointless show of brutality in killing the other man. 'Why kill the on asking to be spared? Just to set the others free.'

"What is it Lucy?" Natsu returned my gaze I was giving him, looking at me with curious eyes. "Speak, if there's something you want to say. But I won't listen to meaningless grousing." He gave a short laugh, and I had to restrain myself from doing something I'd regret.

"I have nothing to say to you." I know he knows what I want to say and that he's showing me he doesn't care.

"Is that so?"

"I believe I'm done with this meeting." I have one last look at Natsu and stand up. My actions stunned the room.

"I'm going back to my room, Gray, if I miss anything important please fill me in later."

"Lucy." Erza called out my name, but I didn't respond. With my show of disrespect, I'm sure Sting was raging inside. But he kept quiet. With everyone's eyes on me, I walked out.

I no longer wanted to be in the same room as Natsu.

So I shut myself in my room and concentrated on writing. It was night now, but Natsu was still on mind..

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