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Someone calls my name as a blur of blue crashes into me, both of us landing on the ground. There on the ground my eyes are met with a set of green ones, belonging to a blue furred cat. "It's you!!" I exclaim, "Oh thank god! Now take me home or wake me up!" I say excitedly scooping the feline into both hands.

"My my, you truly are Anna Heartfilia's reincarnation."

"AHH! You talk!?!? Am I dead? Is this hell?" I shook my head with disbelief, "Wait, did you say Anna Heartfilia?"

"Aye. Did this name strike your interest?" Happy says while straightening out his whiskers.

Sitting up straight, "Well, um.. my mother use to speak of her and stories of magic, calling it the true past."

"I see, well your mother was correct about the legends. So your aware that 10 years ago our time she was murdered?"

"Well um, not exactly. I mean from a four hundred year perspective yes." I said matter of factly.

"Hmm. Well, tell me Lucy." With a flick of his tail as his green eyes glowed, illuminated by the moonlight. "How strong is your sense of adventure?"

"Well I followed you here didn't I?" I replied with a smirk. 'I love to write, but this is chance I refuse to pass up. I use to only dream of having adventures..'

"Indeed, well then.. every celestial mage needs their keys.."

Happy hands me a heavy O ring with 10 golden keys. My mother's Aquarius key being included. I hold the keys to my heart. 'Mom..'

Suddenly at the sound of Happy hissing I opened my eyes and quickly got to my feet. 'W-where'd Happy go?' Glancing around, I noticed he'd disappeared. 'Great..'

"Jackal, hold up!"

"Learn to keep up!"

The voices of two unknown men came closer, once again the crunching of leaves. However this time the sound seems to be coming from a faster pace.. A muscular body then slams hard into my own, knocking us both to the ground. 'Ouch..'

"Grr, where'd the hell you come from?" The young and very much muscular man growls while rubbing his forehead.

"Ah, sorry but you ran into me.." I snapped back. Rubbing my own head, I stood up, as did he, grabbing me by the elbow.

"Whoa, are you crazy!? Don't move!"

The wind blew, coming up from a great depth before it tugged at my hair. Looking to my left I was met with a long drop.. 'A CLIFF!? Where, When!?'

"That could've been bad.."

"Y-yeah.. thanks for saving me." Turning to face the man, now fully in his arms. Our noses brushed together and I realize just how close his face is. His hair covers his left eye, but still the moonlight shows off the one visible yellow orb.

"Uh.. I don't need a thanks. Just give me some space, will you!" Adverting his gaze, he pulls me away from the ledge then puts distance between us.

"R-right. Sorry." 'Oops, guess I was staring? But I've never seen an eye color like that on a person!' With a deep bow, I start to step away when the other voice I'd heard speaks again, but closer.

"There you are Jackal. What's this, have you found you a toy?"

'Toy? Who's he?'

This man was a full head taller then the one named 'Jackal', and broad shouldered. The grin he was  wearing on his face met us at the edge of the forest.

"Don't tease me, lord Silver! She was about to stumble off the cliff."

"It was ancient! Besides if you wouldn't have barreled into me."

"yeah well, what are y-"

The name Jackal had called Lord Sliver cut off Jackal's compliant. "Hmm, a women all alone at night while just over there magnolia is still engulfed in smoke. Perhaps your a ghost? Though your the most beautiful ghost I've ever seen."

'Ghost?' "Ah no.. I'm actually quite normal. Well I mean normal for a person, not a ghost."

With his narrow, flirtatious eyes on mine I brushed off the compliment. But not with out a tint to my cheeks. Someone else then stepped from the forest, joining us on the cliff.

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