Sun and Spring: Ch 20

Start from the beginning

She grabs her bags and your hand and leads you back into the elevator. "Ah, what?" You asked confused.

"Don't be silly we aren't going back to the room. We are going down to the garage, to the car," she looked back at you as she steped through the door.

The ride was short, the ping sounding almost as soon as your stomach droped with the movement of the machine.

She walks you over to a modest blue car, opening the boot with a simple press of the keys she held. You blinked, 'god when did she get the keys? When did she get a car?'

She chuckd her stuff in and then gently took yours and places it down. She closes it before walking swiftly to the drivers side.

You follow her lead, heading off to the front passengers seat. You pause momentarily at the handle as the same ping resounds through the underground lot. You turned to face the distant doors, spotting two men emerging, 'they must have needed the elevator then,' you think.

Before they move any closer allowing you to distinguish their features, (y/b/f) rolls down the window and screeched, "you getting in or what?"

You quickly snap your head away and remember what you were doing. Opening the door you get in and buckle up.

The purring of the engine is soft as it starts up, carrying you effortlessly as it moves the car. You drive past the elevator but the figures have already disappeared into the vast underground. Emerging up the ramp into the light you spot the stash of stuff in the back seat. A beautiful picnic basket, one you imagine came straight out of an old film and now seems to exist in the wrong era, is set upon a neatly folded rug.

You only grow more confused and inevitably ask, "where did you get this car? Why does it have picnic supplies in it?"

The drivers dumb face glances at you with eyes wide and lips bent in a peculiar mannor, "you were there, I got the car from the underground lot. And it has picnic supplies because we are going on a picnic. You remember right?"

You felt like strangling her and would have if the pain in your shoulder hadn't picked up. Oh and if she wasn't driving, you didn't want to die in a horrific car crash before lunch.

So instead you just steadied your features and stared at her blankly, voice monotone, "you know what I meant. When did the car get there, and how did the stuff get in the back?".

"Oh," she exclamed, "why didn't you just ask that before," she said with fake innocence. "Why the car my friend, I got with one of my birthday presents. Big year this one was".

Big year? Yeah 18 was big I guess but like enough to get a car? You knew her family was better off then yours but now you were thinking she was hidding her mansion from you. You actually hadn't ever been to her house and your suspicion only grew before (y/b/f's) explanation continued. "I asked someone to prepare all that we needed for today, so yeah that is why it was in the back when we got here".

Ok, I guess that explains that.

Several bends and twists and lights later you arived in the foothills, the surrounding suburbia disapearing behind lines of trees as you ventured further up the slopes.

You stared out the window, embracing the sight of green and brown fields that could be seen on an opposing hill. Sheep and cows scattered across the landscape wondering snd eating, flocking or sitting.

The rocking motion of the car was soothing, luring you into a sleep that could not be disturebed even by the days bright rays.


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