The young woman flicked her hair and patronizingly said: "You think you can just pretend to act as if you don't care now? Who are you trying to fool? As if we don't know you're man hungry."

Chong Honghui: "HuaHua calm down, there's no need for you to get angry over someone so insignificant." He took pleasure in throwing back the words that Ren Daiyu had said to him earlier.

Jia Kuai Hua: "Baby you're too kind. How can I let these old witches get away with what they've said and done to you?"

Li Xiuying spoke sharply: "Go perform you're play somewhere else."

Ren Daiyu: "Listen. I am not interested in either of you. Why don't you go home? Isn't it past your bed time or something. Mr Chong can you and the child you robbed from the cradle please leave us in peace? "

Jia Kuai Hua: "You'e just jealous that I'm just 19 whereas you're an old, withered used up spinster. You're probably envious of my relationship with Honghui gege. Its not my fault that you ended up giving the best years of your youth to someone who didn't love you."

Yao ChangYing: "That's enough." Both Yao ChangYing and Li Xiuying stood up.

Jia Kuai Hua: "Oh I'm so scared I'm shivering. What are you the old spinster sisters? Stay out of other people's business, you're both so old and you don't even know basic etiquette. Tut tut."

Chong Honghui blocked Li Xiuying's and Yao ChangYing's path. Additionally, Zhōu Shàoqiáng also became an unwilling member of the blockade.

Jia Kuai Hua looked around the restaurant and sneered: "I'm sure everyone already knows about your past. We've all heard the stories of how Dai Sying used you and then kicked you to the curb. You're just a broken old shoe. He was with your best friend Jin Ah Lam for years. Oh did you know that they're currently engaged? Their friends and family are so happy for them. No one even remembers you, you're not worthy of a second thought. Maybe you were actually the other woman who got in the way of true love. Tut tut. Now your all alone, no friends and I'm sure you're family are sick of you as well. Oh I forgot to mention you're also stupid, Dai Sying and Jin Ah Lam were together for years right under your nose, probably even in your house." She deliberately gave as much detail as possible so everyone around them would be aware of Ren Daiyu's past.

Ren Daiyu became quiet, Jia Kuai Hua words kept stabbing at her insecurities.

Jia Kuai Hua laughed: "You're a lawyer? Who would hire such a stupid lawyer? Hahah. Everyone knew but you. Even outsiders knew but it took you so long to figure it out. Hahaha."

Chong Honghui finally felt somewhat satisified as he saw Ren Daiyu in pain.

Li Xiuying finally got passed Chong Honghui. He tried to grab at her wrist but she evaded and stood in front of Ren Daiyu causing Jia Kuai Hua to take a step back.

Li Xiuying smiled menacingly at the young girl before her. This vapid imbecile and her two moronic road blocks thought that they could insult her friend! She was going to tear these people in to shreds. She was just about to speak when a figure was by her side.

Xǔ Junjie was slightly startled on seeing Li Xiuying's venomous look.

Xǔ Junjie: "Chong Honghui and Jia Kuai Hua you've both spewed enough garbage. Why would my girlfriend be interested in some arrogant little boy who got to where he is by riding his father's coattails? She has a real man by her side who has 20/20 vision and can tell the distinguish an uncut diamond from a... " he looked at Jia Kuai Hua up and down.

Xǔ Junjie continued: "Broken shard of glass."

Xǔ Junjie reached out for Ren Daiyu's elbow encouraging her to stand. Li Xiuiyng moved slightly to allow Ren Daiyu to stand comfortably. Ren Daiyu looked at Xu Junjie in confusion. Xǔ Junjie took this opportunity to put his hand on her waist and bring her to his side. He gently whispered in her ear: "Did you want your friends to be involved in this trouble?"

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