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"She's stable. Gracias a Dios lo hicimos a tiempo..."
(...thank god we made it in time)
The doctor painfully reassured the brothers.

"Hey," Hayden rubbed Lilly's back.
"You're going to be ok."

Lilly cried into his broad chest.
"Ayden, I was so scared. I thought she was going to-"

"But she didn't. You were very strong baby. Thank you for calling us, miel. You did the right thing."
Tears ran down her face just as quickly as she wiped them away. Hayden kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.

"Escucha bebé, se está volviendo muy peligroso aquí. I NEED you to go home and pack what you can. I'll have a few guys there, I'll pick you up tonight. Okay?"
(Listen baby, it's getting very dangerous out here...)

"Ok. Hayden please be careful. I love you."

"I love you." Hayden walked away into the house. The rest of the brothers finished their conversation with the doctor following after Hayden. The men were furious. It wasn't in El Senõr's nature to harm children. Their motto would always be children should be cherished and molded. Verily the are the generation of success or doom. But if it's war El Senõr wants, than its war he shall get. Casualties included.

"Where's Miguel?" Antonio asked angry.
"I'm here."
The men glanced up at the staircase, Miguel and a government detective slowly walked down.

"You have a good day, Mr. Diaz. If you can remember anything please do not hesitate in giving me a call." The detective said handing Miguel his card.

"Thank you." Miguel walked over to his brothers.
They all watched the detective as he slowly left his house.

"What did you tell em?" Marco looked at the official in disgust.
They hated the authorities. The never get anything done. They get in the way of people like them that can really handle shit...quickly and quietly.

"Nothing," Miguel ripped up the detective's business card.
"We need to kill Alex."

"Miguel-" Jesus tried protesting.

"I'm not going to sit around until someone dies. The fuck? If you're not sure he's the mole, we'll find out on 3rd street."
Everyone knew 3rd street meant torture. They had a closed facility where they held prisoners and people held in for questioning. That place isn't meant for the innocent eye. It reeked death.

"Call Alex, Jesus. We're leaving." Marco ordered heading out the house. The other men followed, some giving him a warning glare.

"Yo so you and Lilly?" Marcus asked jogging up to Hayden.

"What about it?" Hayden unlocked his Porche dunking in his car. Marcus rolled his eyes at his Capricorn friend.
"Yo! What do you mean what about it? So how long??"

Hayden started his car, and waited until they all were ready to go.
"Maybe about two-three years."

"¡¿Años?! Perro estas loco?"
(Years?! Dog are you crazy?!)

Hayden watched as Jesus exited the house and walked to his car.

Marcus shifted in his seat.
"...I gotta ask you a question." Hayden had the Q to leave, so he pulled out of Miguel's drive way.

"What is it?" Hayden raised an eyebrow. He synced his phone to his car. A few seconds later trap music played through his speakers.

"...I mean this been on my mind for a minute. But I didn't want to try and then deal with all the extra shit that came with it...ya know?"
Marcus awkwardly scratched his head, knowing he's gonna fuck Hayden's mood up.
"...so umm... like... how's the sex?"

Marcus dunked getting ready for a swing.
Hayden glared at Marcus emotionlessly. It was so scary he kinda wish he was angry. Then Hayden laughs.
"It's great," he says laughing again. "Honestly the best I've ever had and tasted."

Marcus jaw drops.
"Yo what does it taste like?!" He ask getting excited.

"That's too fuckin much." Hayden rolled his eyes. He shook his head out of disbelief-turning his music up louder.
(8:00 pm)
3rd street

By now it's pitch black. Although the night is young it's not a good particular night. The air holds the smell of rain before it pours. And the wind is angry and wild.
Miguel's hair moves with the breeze. The five  brothers are leaned up against their cars waiting for Alex. He's a little late but at this point...it doesn't matter.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon