Chapter 15: Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Are we ready to go then?" Alfred asked. He drove away from the school leaving the two teenagers to freak out internally in the backseat.

Why would Bruce Wayne want to meet Lindsey now? Did it have to do with him wanting to be a part of Damian's relationship? Did he actually care about who Damian was dating? Would he approve of Lindsey?

All these questions raced through the two lovers' minds. Alfred didn't help the situation with his mindless chatter about the weather, people on the streets, and Bruce's workload for the week.

As they got closer to the center of Gotham, Lindsey began to shake in her seat. Damian grew stiffer until every part of his body was tense, and he couldn't move.

Alfred parked the car in front of the building and moved around to let the teenagers out. When he opened the door neither of them moved.

"Now, Lindsey, Master Damian," Alfred said to them. "Master Bruce is not going to be meeting you out here. I must insist that you go inside."

"Pennyworth, not now," Damian growled to the butler still stiff in his seat.

By the time the two of them finally got out of the vehicle, a few members of the paparazzi had gathered around.

"Mister Wayne, is that the Hollings' granddaughter?"

"Are you two dating? Can you confirm it?"

"Is this a business meeting with your father, Damian?"

Damian wrapped his arm around Lindsey's shoulders and lead her inside, away from the prying eyes - and cameras - of the paparazzi.

As the two stepped into the building, everything grew silent. As Lindsey looked around, she saw all the employees were looking at them.

"Why are they looking at us?" Lindsey whispered.

"Not us, Lindsey," Damian whispered back. "Me. I am the boss's son. They're being careful. Do you see how they're not moving as well? Anything they do in front of me, I tell my father. Come on, let's go see my father."

Damian lead Lindsey to the elevator, rapidly pressing the button. As the doors opened, the employees inside automatically quieted down and left the elevator.

The two stepped into the now-empty elevator. The two rode the elevator silently. Lindsey's fingers were tapping against her leg and Damian's jaw was clenched.

When the elevator finally stopped, the two stepped out. There was a woman sitting at a desk in front of a large door, talking on the phone. She had curly auburn hair, dark brown eyes, and way too much makeup on.

"You wouldn't believe it, Emily," she was saying. "This is the best job, I've ever been given. Oh, I'm going to have to call you back." She hung up the phone and stood up. "Mr. Damian. You're father has been waiting for you. Let me go ahead and tell him you're here."

She walked over to the large door next to her desk.

"Mr. Wayne?" the assistant asked hesitantly as she opened the door to his office.

"What it is?" Bruce Wayne's voice asked through the door. Lindsey found herself shaking more than she thought possible.

"Your son and his girlfriend are here, like you asked," she said faking confidence.

"Why did you stop them?" Bruce asked. "I told you to send them in once they got here."

"You are right, Mr. Wayne, I simply forgot," she said. She closed the door and turned to look at the two teenagers. Damian already had his fists in tight fists. "You two may-"

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