Asking you to be his girlfriend: Leo

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Leo's POV-
I sat watching space euros on the couch and I was thinking about you. I couldn't get you off my mind. "(Y/n)," I kept thinking over and over. I remembered your (hair length) hair flowing in the wind and and how your jokes were so unfunny that they made me laugh. "She's the one," I whispered out loud. "What was that?," Raph yelled from the pinball machine. "Raph, (Y/n), she's the one!!" I went to Donny. "Donnie!! How do I ask a girl out!?!" Donnie jumped. "Oh ok. Calm down. Sit." I sat down and he spun the chair a few times. I ran out side and rushed to your place. I knocked on your door with blue flowers. "Aw Leo. Nice bow tie and thanks for the flowers," you say. "Thanks it was Donnie's idea. So uh will you be my girlfriend?" You squeal. "Of course."

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