Texting him: Leonardo

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You woke up bright and early, excited to text Leo. He was just so perfect. You immediately picked up your phone and typed in his number.

You: Hey good morning!

Leo: Oh hey! Wow, your an early bird!

You: Oh sorry did I wake you?

Leo: Nah! I'm up early every morning to meditate.

You: Cool! So what's up?

Leo: Meditating.......

Leo: lol

You: Haha sry

Leo: It's fine. Wanna get together tonight?

You: Ya that'd be great. I just have to sneak past my parents.

Leo: We'll wait until they fall asleep and then I'll come pick you up.

You: 12:00?

Leo: 12:00.

You: See ya then!

Leo: Ok! Bye!

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