Thinking about him: Leonardo

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You were trying to sleep but you couldn't. You kept thinking about that turtle, Leo. His muscular green arms, his beautiful blue eyes, his shining smile, and his deep voice. "Perfect," you sigh out loud. Wait what! Oh my gosh! You had a crush on a mutant turtle, didn't you!? He didn't talk to you like other guys did. You felt like he was the one. "He has probably saved plenty of other girls prettier than me," you say doubtfully. You thought about how he saved you and how he said that he was surprised you didn't run away. Maybe you are the first girl that was nice to him. Maybe he might like you back. Suddenly, you hear a tap on your glass balcony door. Is it Leo!? You step out side and don't see anyone. But you do see a little sticky note on the railing. You start ready it:

Hey (Y/n)! It's Leo. Here's my number if you want to text or maybe get together sometime. Btw here's a flower I picked for you. It matches your eyes.

You do a little fangirl victory dance and jump in bed. You sleep well the rest if the night.

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