Your first "date": Leo

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You stand in front of your mirror brushing you hair. You were wearing a blue tank tap with black skinny jeans and a pair of blue heels. You hear a knock on the door and see that it's Leo. You both freeze. You love the way the moon hits his shell and the adorable bow tie around his neck. I ran to the door and opened it. I smile. "You look beautiful," he said in awe. You blush. He says, "Hey let's go up to the roof. I have a surprise for you." He wraps a bandana around your eyes, grabs your waist, and pulls you up to the roof. He takes the bandana off to see a beautiful moon light picnic. "Wow," you gasp. He smiles. "Not to cheesy for a first date?," he asks. You nod no and smile. You spend the whole night with him laughing and smiling.

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