EPILOGUE - Serendipity

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"Seonghwa please." San was attempting to get Seonghwa out of the library where all of the mortal records were kept.

Seonghwa had been spending every day there, ever since that day, waiting for him to be reborn.

But hundreds of years had passed since then, all of their friends had reincarnated many times. But not Hongjoong. Never him.

"Seonghwa, let's go for a walk." Wooyoung pleaded with him.

"Fine. But only for ten minutes." Seonghwa told him. He didn't want to miss it if Joong was reincarnated while he was gone.

Seonghwa stepped out into the outside with San and Wooyoung at his sides. They passed other servants, and Seonghwa always said hello politely.

Then, one of the high priests ran up to them and whispered something in San's ear. His eyes widened.

"A new god? Seriously?" San exclaimed. Seonghwa's head snapped to look at him.

"We can feel it. There has been a presence for the past couple of weeks, and today it got much stronger. Something is manifesting itself." The high priest said.

"We should go see it! Wooyoung has never seen a new god being born yet, and who knows when this will happen again!" San exclaimed. Seonghwa sighed. He hadn't wanted to be away for too long, but even he was curious as to who the new deity was going to be.

"Okay... let's go." Seonghwa relented.

"Yay! Come on Wooyoungie!" San pulled Wooyoung behind him as they approached the pool that San in recent years has started to jokingly call the "baptism fountain".

When they approached, there was already a large crowd around, obstructing their view. Seonghwa was able to catch small murmurs.

"Another diety of music?"

"Guardian of children perhaps."

All the things Seonghwa heard somehow fit into one of those categories. Children, and music.

The crowd parted once they noticed San and Seonghwa, allowing them through. When they reached the front, San and Wooyoung stopped, causing Seonghwa to bump into them.

"San, what the heck, why did you stop?" Seonghwa said, raising his gaze to the sun god, who was staring ahead with wide eyes and jaw touching the floor. Metaphorically.

Seonghwa looked to see why he was staring, assuming it to be the new diety. Maybe he was simply very good looking? But then Seonghwa saw why they stared, and his heart may have stopped beating all together.

Because despite the snow white hair and white tunic and trousers the small man was wearing, Seonghwa recognized that face, and when he locked eyes with the new god recognition shined in his eyes as well. Because gods reincarnated from humans kept the memories from the life that preceded them being gods.

And this man in front of Seonghwa knew who he was very well.

"Hongjoong?" Seonghwa asked, almost as if he was scared it wasn't real. The man nodded. Hongjoong, the man who Seonghwa had loved so dearly, and who had died because of his devotion to his sister, was standing in front of Seonghwa now. Immortal.

"Seonghwa!" Hongjoong started wading through the pool towards him, his eyes wide as if he couldn't believe it either.

Before Seonghwa could stop himself, he jumped into the water and splashed towards him. Whether their faces were wet from tears, or from the water, Seonghwa didn't know. What he did know however, was that Hongjoong was here. In some incredible twist of fate, they had found eachother again.

Seonghwa wasted no time in wrapping his arms around the smaller man and kissing him, not caring if everyone was watching.

"I'm really here right now? What are the odds we'd have found eachother again Seonghwa! How long has it been?" Hongjoong smiled as tears fell down his face.

"Hundreds of years Hongjoong. I promised we would find eachother again." Seonghwa told him, pulling him into a hug which the other returned.

"And you never break a promise." Hongjoong said. Seonghwa smiled back at the boy.

"This truly is the work of fate." San said from the edge of the pool.

"It's a perfect example of serendipity. When fate acts in wonderful ways." Wooyoung added.

"Serendipity. I like that." Hongjoong said. Seonghwa ran a hand through Hongjoong's much lighter hair.

"Do you know what I like? Your new hair." He joked as he played with a strand of the white hair with his fingers. Hongjoong's smile was blinding.

"Thank you, Seonghwa."


Wow. I guess that's the end! This is probably the only story I've written in the past few years that I've actually finished. Thanks for sticking with it I guess.

-  Author.

𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓹𝓲𝓽𝔂 -  (Seongjoong)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz